© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Hellenic Plant Protection Journal - Special Issue
A. A
, K. K
, G. K
, U. M
and G.
Laboratory of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki, GR-541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece.
Pesticide Science Labarotary,
Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-541 24 Thessaloniki,
Laboratory of Phytopathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, GR-541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece
Alternaria alternata
can infect kiwi leaves
causing necrotic lesions and premature de-
foliation that may lead to complete yield
losses. The objective of this study was to
evaluate the changes in content of kiwi fruit
antioxidant constituents (phenolic com-
pounds and ascorbic acid) after the infection
of vines by
Alternaria alternata.
the vines were treated with CPPU (forchlo-
rfenuron), a growth regulator agent of the
synthetic cytokinins group, which is wide-
ly used in kiwi fruit orchards for both, in-
crease of productivity and improvement of
product quality. CPPU was applied to both
healthy and infected vines in order to study
the combined effect of the fungus and of the
active ingredient, for chlorfenuron. Total an-
tioxidant capacity was evaluated with FRAP
and DPPH techniques, while the chromato-
graphic profile of phenolic compounds and
the ascorbic acid concentration were deter-
mined by liquid chromatography (HPLC).
According to the results the presence of the
fungus caused the induction of biosynthesis
of phenolic compounds and the reduction
of ascorbic acid concentration to untreat-
ed with CPPU fruits. In contrast, the applica-
tion with CPPU caused an increase of ascor-
bic acid concentration in all kiwi fruits up to
50%. The total antioxidant capacity of fruits
was strong correlated to ascorbic acid con-
Fungal diseases of sunflower in R.U. Drama in period 2010-2011
A.I. A
Hellenic Agricultural Organization “Demeter”, Center “Demeter” Drama, 5
Drama-Thessaloniki, GR-661 00 Drama, Greece
The diseases affecting sunflower in the Re-
gional Unit of Drama throughout the dura-
tion of the growing seasons 2010-2011 were
recorded. During this two-year period there
were incidences of Downy Mildew, Alter-
naria, Septoria, Powdery Mildew, Sclerotin-
ia, Macrophomina, Phoma and Phomopsis.
Systemic mildew, considered the most se-
rious disease of sunflower worldwide, ap-
peared in 2011, with the most highly infect-
ed field showing a 15-20% infection rate,
while in 2011, a field was observed with a
secondary mildew infection. Septoria, con-
sidered to be the most important of the fo-
liar diseases (which include Alternaria, Sep-
toria, and Powdery mildew), caused severe
infections in 2011, while Alternaria and Pow-
dery Mildew were observed in two sepa-
rate cases in 2010 and 2011, respectively.
Of the fungal diseases that attack the stem
and root system (Macrophomina, Phoma,
Sclerotinia and Phomopsis), Macrophomina
caused the most extensive damage. In dry
sandy fields, and in combination with dry
and warm conditions, the percentage of in-
fected plants reached in some cases 90%. In
2011 incidences of Phoma, with maximum
infection rates of 50%-60% was observed,
while incidences of Sclerotinia Wilt (rotting
of the stem base) and Phomopsis were ob-
served in individual plants. When sunflow-
ers are grown in the same field for 2 or more
consecutive years, the incidence of disease
is more common, particularly that caused by
Septoria and Phoma.