© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Abstracts - 16th Hellenic Phytopathological Congress
In vitro
template-dependent synthesis of
Pepino mosaic virus
and negative-strand RNA by its RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
T.A.M. O
, R.C.L. O
I.C. L
Plant Virology Laboratory, Department of Sustainable Agriculture, Mediterranean
Agronomic Institute of Chania, Alsylio Agrokepion, GR-731 00, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Department of Agricultural Botany, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University,
Fayoum 63514, Egypt.
Department of Molecular Genetics, Leiden Institute of
Chemistry, PO Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Pepino mosaic virus
(PepMV)-infected toma-
to plants were used to develop an
in vitro
template-dependent system for the study
of viral RNA synthesis. Differential sedimen-
tation and sucrose-gradient purification of
PepMV-infected tomato extracts resulted in
fractions containing a transcriptionally ac-
tivemembrane-boundRNA-dependent RNA
polymerase (RdRp). In the presence of Mg
P-labelled UTP and unlabelled nucle-
otides, the PepMV RdRp catalysed the con-
version of endogenous RNA templates into
single- and double-stranded (ds) genomic
RNAs and three 3’-co-terminal subgenomic
dsRNAs. Hybridisation experiments showed
that the genomic ssRNA was labelled only in
the plus strand, the genomic dsRNA mainly
in the plus strand and the three subgenom-
ic dsRNAs equally in both strands. Following
removal of the endogenous templates from
themembrane-bound complex, the purified
template-dependent RdRp could specifical-
ly catalyse transcription of PepMV virion
in vitro
-synthesized full-length plus-
strand RNA and the 3’-termini of both the
plus- and minus-strand RNAs. Rabbit poly-
clonal antibodies against an immunogenic
epitope of the PepMV RdRp (anti-RdRp) de-
tected a protein of approximately 164 kDa
in the membrane-bound and template-de-
pendent RdRp preparations and specifically
inhibited PepMV RNA synthesis when add-
ed to the template-dependent
in vitro
scription system. The 300 nucleotide long
3’-terminal region of the PepMV genome
containing a stretch of at least 20 terminal
adenosine (A) residues, was an adequate ex-
ogenous RNA template for RdRp initiation
of the minus-strand synthesis but higher
transcription efficiency was observed as the
number of A residues increased. This obser-
vation might indicate a role for the poly(A)-
tail in the formation and stabilisation of
secondary structure(s) essential for the initi-
ation of transcription. The template-depen-
dent specific RdRp system described in this
article will facilitate identification of RNA el-
ements and host components required for
PepMV RNA synthesis.
Incidence of graft-transmissible pathogens in newly established peach
K. E
, P.G. P
, L. L
, A.T. K
, S. G
and N.I. K
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural
Environment, School of Agriculture, Laboratory of Plant Pathology, GR-541 24
Thessaloniki, Greece
Production of certified plant propagation
material is regulated by the Hellenic Minis-
try of Rural Development and Food which
defines the requirements concerning its im-
port and export. Concerning the stone fruits,
certification includes, among others, the ab-
sence of
Plum pox virus
Apple chlorot-
ic leaf spot virus
Prunus necrotic ring-
spot virus
Prune dwarf virus
Peach latent mosaic viroid
(PLMVd) and the
European stone fruit yellows phytoplasma
(ESFY). In order to determine the presence