© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Seed germination and emergence
Seeds of
E. heterophylla
were collected in
2009 from cotton fields at Anthohori, Kopa-
ida region, and stored at approximately 5
Mature plants grown under weed-free con-
ditions in field experiments produced on av-
erage 19 heads, 64 capsules, and 192 seeds
per individual plant. Seed germination was
evaluated by evenly placing 25 seeds on a 9
cm-diameter Petri dish containing two lay-
ers of filter paper Whatman No. 1, moistened
Figure 1.
Plant and plant parts of
Euphorbia heterophylla
at different growth stages: a. mature plant; b. young plant; c.
newly emerged plants in a cotton field; d. inflorescence; e. leaves