© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Mihou & Michaelakis
1.3. Bioassays with pheromone under
semi-field and field conditions
In western Kenya oviposition phero-
mone was tested for the first time in the
field. Five milligrams of the active (–)-(5
enantiomer was exploited in a tablet for-
mulation and used in established breeding
sites. Compared to the control, 82% more
females oviposited around the pheromone
source. The activity of the pheromone con-
tinued for four days after application (Otie-
et al.
, 1988). The combination of the
pheromone with an insect growth regula-
tor showed both an acceptable oviposition
activity and sufficient larvicidal effect. Dur-
ing that field test, there was an attempt to
mosquitoes in a non-breeding
site. Despite using a very high dose of pher-
omone, only one egg raft was found and fur-
ther analysis showed a higher pH than that
in the breeding sides (established). This fact
suggests that the lack of oviposition in non-
established breeding sites involves factors
in the attraction mechanisms other than the
The same phenomenon was observed
in Tanzania when synthetic oviposition phe-
romone was used to non-breeding sites
et al.
, 1999). When water from es-
tablished breeding sites was treated with
the pheromone, it received more egg rafts
than the untreated water with nine days re-
sidual activity.
The mixture of the pheromone with
soakage pit water or grass infusions indicat-
ed a synergistic effect. As mentioned before,
prefer breeding in water
with a high organic content (polluted water)
rather than clean water. This explains why fe-
males prefer water that consists of complex
mixtures of compounds that vary over time,
including products of bacterial degradation
such as soakage pit water or grass infusions.
Apart from laboratory studies, plant-de-
rived pheromone was also employed in field
studies (Olagbemiro
et al.
, 2004). Both lab-
oratory and field bioassays revealed equal
attractiveness level for plant-derived and
synthetic pheromones. Of the two phero-
mones, only the plant-derived one was used
in field tests in a mixture with skatole.
Under semi-field conditions, oviposi-
tion was induced by an amount of pherom-
one equal to a single egg raft (0.3 μg). This
was the first report that compared a syn-
thetic pheromone with the natural product
et al.
, 2007). The oviposition jars were
arranged in two squares (small and large,
“near” and “distant” respectively). In the
“near” bioassays, a single egg raft with hay
infusion had the highest oviposition activi-
ty, while by increasing the egg rafts from 1
to 10 (or by adding 3.0 μg synthetic pherom-
one) synergistic effects were observed be-
tween the oviposition pheromone and the
hay infusion at both distances. Authors sug-
gested three possible explanations for the
number of females ovipositing and the rela-
tion to the distance: a) females may fly along
the edge of the cage searching for a suitable
oviposition site by making a distinction be-
tween hay infusion based on the oviposition
pheromone, b) females fly along the edges
of the cage and after encountering the phe-
romone at close range land and/or oviposit
and c) females visit and land at several ovi-
position sites before the final decision.
2. Synthetic approaches
According to Pickett and Woodcock (1996)
“The characterization of the oviposition
pheromone for mosquitoes in the genus
as a novel chiral lactone ester provid-
ed the impetus for a number of sophisticat-
ed asymmetric syntheses and economical
large-scale routes to racemic products”.
This section focuses on the most suc-
cessful asymmetric synthetic approaches
published in literature. The synthetic strat-
egies are grouped depending on the meth-
od used to induce chirality to the mole-
cule. Carbohydrates and aminoacids were
used as starting materials. Kinetic resolution
(Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation or oxi-
dation protocol) of racemic starting mate-
rials and Sharpless asymmetric epoxidation
or dihydroxylation of olefins have also been
utilized for the enantioselective synthesis of