Hellenic Plant Protection Journal
(ISSN 1791-3691) is the new scientific publication
of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute (BPI) replacing the
Annals of the Benaki Phyto-
pathological Institute
(ISSN 1790-1480) which had been published since 1935.
Starting from January 2008, the Benaki Phytopathological Institute is publishing the
lenic Plant Protection Journal
semiannually, in January and July each year, and accepts for
publication any work related to plant protection in the Mediterranean region regardless
of where it was conducted. All aspects of plant protection referring to plant pathogens,
pests, weeds (identification, biology, control), pesticides and relevant environmental is-
sues are topics covered by the journal.
Articles in the form of either a complete research paper or a short communication (in-
cluding new records) may be submitted. Instructions on how to prepare the manuscript
are available in BPI’s website (
). Manuscripts should be submitted in electron-
ic form either by e-mail at
or by post on a disk addressed to the Edito-
rial Board, Benaki Phytopathological Institute, 8 St. Delta Str., GR-145 61 Kifissia (Athens),
Greece. Only original articles are considered and published after successful completion
of a review procedure by two competent referees.
Dr F. Karamaouna (Pesticides Control & Phytopharmacy Department, BPI)
Associate Editors:
Dr A.N. Michaelakis (Entomology & Agric. Zoology Department, BPI)
Dr K.M. Kasiotis (Pesticides Control & Phytopharmacy Department, BPI)
M. Kitsiou (Library Department, BPI)
Technical Editor and Secretary:
Asteria Karadima (Information Technology Service, BPI)
This Journal is indexed by: CAB Abstracts-Plant Protection Database, CAB FullText-Plant
Protection Database, Scopus and Google Scholar.
Hellenic Plant Protection Journal
also available at
© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
For subscriptions, exchange agreements, back issues and other publications of the In-
stitute contact the Library, Benaki Phytopathological Institute, 8 St. Delta Str., GR-145 61
Kifissia (Athens), Greece, e-mail:
Hellenic Plant Protection Journal
The olive tree of Plato in Athens is the emblem
of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute