Volume 7 (2014) Issue 2 (July) - page 33

© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Technical market development, BASF Espanola SA
Field Trial Services, BASF Italia SA
3 Field Trial Services, BASF Espanola SA
Field Trial Services, BASF Hellas SA
Product Development, BASF Hellas SA, Athens,
Currently Editorial Committee of AgroTypos SA,
former Director of Weed Science Department at the
Benaki Phytopathological Institute, Greece
* Corresponding author:
Hellenic Plant Protection Journal
61-72, 2014
Weed control benefit to cost ratio and labour return value
in crops of southern European countries with the use of
herbicide pendimethalin
E. Marinan-Arroyuelo
, A. Marchi
, F. Marchal-Rubio
, C. Bozoglou
, D. Servis
and C.N. Giannopolitis
Specially designed field trials were conducted in transplanted processing tomatoes, di-
rect-seeded onions (dry bulb production), cotton and broccoli (fresh vegetable market) considered as
four of the core crops determining the importance of using pendimethalin for weed control in south-
ern European countries. Based on yield data and actual farmer’s prices for costs and products, the ex-
pected weed control benefit/cost ratio was determined when pendimethalin, some alternative herbi-
cides, hand weeding or a combination was used. In most cases pendimethalin, being sufficiently ef-
fective as a single treatment, provided the most favourable benefit/cost ratio, which was by far bet-
ter than the ratio obtained with hand weeding. Evidence is also provided that alternative weed con-
trol methods, like inter-row cultivations and on the row polyethelene mulching, which were not used
in this study, are by no means able to provide a ratio equivalent to that of pendimethalin. The labour
return value analysis further revealed that hand weeding, which as a weed control method is not ec-
onomically justified by itself in any case, can become justifiable as a supplementary measure follow-
ing a pendimethalin application in many cases. These results clearly show that pendimethalin (or any
herbicide acting similarly) has the potential to provide a favourable benefit/cost ratio for the control
of weeds in crops, like the ones examined in this study, that are associated with an increasing demand
for the lowest production costs.
Additional keywords
: broccoli, cotton, onion, processing tomato, weed control costs, weed control profits
Pre-emergence herbicides, having a resid-
ual activity in soil, can often offer satisfac-
tory weed control applied as a single treat-
ment in situations where emergence of
weeds continues for a longer period. Avail-
ability of such herbicides, however, has be-
come limited in recent years, because of the
withdrawal of many older active ingredients
during the re-registration process in the EU
according to Directive 91/414 (eg. EU, 2008).
European farmers, thus, have turned more
to multiple applications of post-emergence
Increased selection pressure associated
with repeated multiple applications of post-
emergence herbicides has already led to
weed species becoming resistant to many
of these herbicides including the ACCase-in-
hibitors (Bravin
et al
., 2001; Papapanagiotou
et al
., 2012), the ALS-inhibitors (Scarabel
., 2004; Kaloumenos and Eleftherohorinos,
2008), glyphosate (Collavo and Sattin, 2012;
et al.
, 2012) and others. Multiple applica-
tions are also very likely to increase the cost
of weed control but clear evidence with spe-
cific crops is not available in the literature up
to now.
In this study specially designed field trials
were conducted that allowed determination
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