Mealybugs are important plant pests world-
wide (20,21). Their feeding may cause leaf yel-
lowing, defoliation, reduced plant growth,
and in some cases plant death. They may also
cause indirect damage to plants by serving
as vectors of plant diseases (13). In addition,
production of honeydew contributes to the
development of sooty mould that decreases
photosynthesis and may reduce the market-
ability of plant products such as fruits. Besides
direct and indirect damage to crops, mealy-
bugs are also of quarantine concern, adding
to costs of production to prevent or eliminate
their presence on plants and plant products.
Information on the occurrence and dis-
tribution of mealybug species in Greece is
limited. Eleven species have been recorded
by ScaleNet in Greece and a few addition-
al by Kozar
et al
. (19) and Milonas
et al
. (22).
In this study we present an updated list of
mealybugs recorded from Greece and we
document newmealybug records from ag-
ricultural and wild plants in Greece.
Materials and Methods
A thorough literature review was conduct-
ed to locate any publication, including the
database ScaleNet, that refers to mealy-
bugs recorded in Greece. In addition to the
literature review, mealybugs were collect-
ed during 2005-2006 from various plants
in Greece to identify the species present.
Mealybug specimens were collected when
detected on plants during fieldwork or
other activities of the first author and from
plant samples infested by scale insects that
were brought to the Benaki Phytopatho-
logical Institute (BPI) for identification.
All mealybug specimens were slide-
mounted for identification using themeth-
od outlined in Kosztarab and Kozar (15).
Voucher specimens of these insects are
deposited in the arthropod collections of
the Plant Protection Institute in Budapest
(Hungary) and the BPI (Greece).
Results and Discussion
The literature review and the ScaleNet data
provided a list of Pseudococcidae species
that have been recorded in Greece. In total,
32 species have been reported to be pres-
Hellenic Plant Protection Journal
: 35-38, 2008
Check list of mealybugs (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) in
Greece: three new records
P.G. Milonas
and F. Kozár
An updated list of the pseudococcid species observed in Greece is presented in this
study. Wild plants and cultivated crops from different habitats were surveyed and mealybug samples
were collected from 2005 to 2006. Three mealybug (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) plant pest species,
Heliococcus bohemicus, Phenacoccus hordei
, and
Heterococcus nudus
, are recorded for the first time in
Greece. The species
Planococcus citri,
a common pest of citrus,
P. ficus
a major pest of vineyards,
P. vo-
a common pest of cypress
Puto tauricus
from Gramineae were also encountered.
Additional keywords:
Coccoidea, insect fauna, plant pests, scale insects
Department of Entomology and Agricultural Zoolo-
gy, Benaki Phytopathological Institute, 8 St. Delta str.,
GR-145 61 Kifissia (Athens), Greece
Plant Protection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sci-
ences, Budapest, P.O. Box 102, H-1525, Hungary