Effect of an IGR on
Culex pipiens
© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
of dilutions (day 0). Every 2 days the jars
were weighted and tap water was added up
to initial volume to supplement water loss
due to evaporation.
For the typical larval mortality bioassay,
twenty larvae of 3
and early 4
instars were
placed in a glass beaker with 100 ml of stock
solution of each insecticide. Five replicates
were made per concentration and a con-
trol treatment with tap water was included
in each bioassay. Beakers with larvae were
placed at 25±2ºC, 80±2% relative humidity
and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) h.
For the bioassays with the egg rafts, 100
ml of each stock solution were added in a
250 ml glass beaker and one newly laid egg
raft (less than 20 h old) was transferred by
means of a wooden stick on the water sur-
face (70±5 eggs per egg raft). In addition,
1 ml of baby fish food solution (TetraMin®,
Baby Fish Food) was added to each beaker
every 2-days to provide larvae with food.
Oviposition bioassays
Two-choice oviposition experiments
were set in sieve covered wooden framed
cages (33x60x33 cm). Two to three days old
male and female adult mosquitoes were re-
moved daily from the maintenance cages
(not containing oviposition beakers) and in-
troduced into the bioassay cages. The bioas-
say cages were kept under the above-men-
tioned rearing conditions. Two glass beakers
(10 cm diameter x 5 cm depth), one contain-
ing 100 ml distilled water and the other 100
ml distilled water plus the larvicidal, were
placed into the cages in approximately 40
cm distance between each other as more
centrally as possible in order to provide ovi-
position sites. Each oviposition bioassay
lasted six days.
Data recording and analysis
Larval mortality was assessed by count-
ing the number of dead larvae every 24 h.
In the cases where 100% larval mortality
did not occur, pupal mortality was assessed
too. Percentage mortality was calculated for
each treatment and replicate by dividing the
number of dead and moribund larvae to the
total (dead and alive). Dead larvae were con-
sidered those that could not be induced to
move when they were gently touched with
a glass pipette in the siphon or the cervical
region. Moribund larvae were those who
were incapable of rising to the surface, with-
in a reasonable period of time, or those not
showing the characteristic diving reaction
when the water was disturbed; they could
also show discolorations or unnatural posi-
tions (22).
Efficacy of each insecticide was assessed
as the mortality noted at each treatment
compared to the mortality of the controls.
In addition, the percentage of larvae that
pupated was estimated for the evaluation of
pyriproxyfen effect.
For the oviposition bioassays the num-
ber of egg rafts was counted and removed
every 24 h after the introduction of the ovi-
position beakers into the bioassay cages.
The number of egg rafts in the treated bea-
ker was converted to percentages of the to-
tal number of egg rafts in both beakers for
each cage. These results refer to three ex-
periments for each case.
Results and Discussion
Pyriproxyfen and temephos were bioas-
sayed against egg rafts of
Cx. pipiens
at a concentration of 0.2 gr/l
and 150 μl/l respectively. The bioassay so-
lutions were stored from 1 to 6 days under
constant conditions before use (post treat-
ment days).
None of the tests were discarded be-
cause control mortality was lower than 20%
in all cases.
In the bioassays with the larvae of 3
and early 4
instars all the larvae were dead
within a 24 h period (mortality 100%), at the
doses tested. These results for both insec-
ticides are quite expected as a general rule
the recommended by the producer applica-
tion rate usually gives the maximum effec-
tiveness against susceptible strains of the
target organisms.
The efficacy of both insecticides when