© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Honey bees and bumble bees as dispersers of a biofungicide
that observed in other studies focused on
the dispersion of several biocontrol agents
in open field conditions (Table 1) (11, 30, 31).
et al.
(27) have detected 2.2 x 10
T. harzianum
per flower on strawberry.
As mentioned earlier, these comparisons
should be made with caution since most of
these studies differ in some methodological
details, namely in the features - and hence in
their performance - of the dispensers used,
in the visiting rates and in the respective
length of visits to which flowers have been
exposed. For example, while in most exper-
imental studies the flowers are exposed to
foragers for two (11) or three days (27), in our
honey bee assay, flowers were exposed for
only one day. Although attention was paid
to collecting flower samples during favour-
able sunny days, we observed that foraging
activity in the experimental field was rela-
tively low. The low foraging activity was at-
tributed to the existence of competitor flo-
ra in the vicinities of the experimental field
or the relatively low attractivity of the cho-
sen cultivar. Nevertheless, this result shows
that this biological control method may be
compromised by factors that have an effect
on pollinator activity, such as climatic con-
ditions, attractiveness of the chosen cultivar
and presence of competitor flora in the vi-
cinity of the target crop.
Factors mentioned earlier to explain the
high variability of
T. harzianum
on flowers exposed to pollinators, togeth-
er with low foraging activity, may explain
the inexistence of significant differences be-
tween the densities of
T. harzianum
ed on freely exposed flowers and on those
that had a single honey bee visit. As the for-
aging activity was so low, the
T. harzianum
that is brushed off from freely exposed flow-
ers by different factors, such as air currents
and redistribution of inocula by the honey
bees and other organisms, is probably not
resettled by successive visits of honey bees.
As a consequence, the resulting density of
inoculum would then be statistically com-
parable to that obtained with a single visit.
In the experiment using bumble bees,
undertaken in a closed greenhouse and
with a limiting number of available flowers,
inoculum losses during flight and groom-
ing could only occur in a restricted space
and through the repeated transfer of bio-
fungicide within the same set of flowers. As
a result, the bumble bees in foraging activi-
ty retained a high amount of inoculum and
consequently all the flowers that were free-
ly exposed to their visits showed inoculum
densities comparable to those mentioned in
other works (Table 2). More specifically, Yu
and Sutton (31) detected densities of about
0.45 x 10
– 2.5 x 10
G. roseum
on raspberry
flowers and Maccagnani
et al
. (21) observed
densities of about 0.14 x 10
T. harzianum
on tomato flowers, using the OP-dispenser.
Under greenhouse conditions, not only the
probability of
T. harzianum
being brushed
off from flowers was lower, since the fac-
tors early mentioned were controlled (for
example air currents, rain and the presence
of other organisms that could act as inocu-
lum dispersers), but also bumble bee activi-
ty was greater allowing the accumulation of
biofungicide throughout several visits.
This study also suggests the importance
of some parameters like the number of CFU
per bumble bee and the length of visit in
determining the amount of inoculum that
is deposited on flowers. We also determined
the density of inoculum that was deposited
after one single visit of honey bee or bum-
ble bee. Even though the present work does
not allow a direct comparison between hon-
ey bees and bumble bees in their effective-
ness as dispersers, since the assays were
undertaken at different experimental condi-
tions, the results demonstrated that bumble
bees ensured, in greenhouse conditions, a
higher percentage of flowers dusted with
– even after one single visit - than
honey bees, in open-field conditions. Previ-
ous works (31) showed that bumble bee col-
onies, although possessing fewer individ-
uals, were at least as efficient vectors of
as honey bee colonies. The same au-
thors demonstrated that
B. impatiens
be the preferred vector when the weather
is cool and wet, and honey bees would be
preferable under warm conditions.
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