© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
et al.
tary genetic systems of the flax rust fungus
Melampsora lini)
and its host, uncovered
the complementary genetic systems of the
pathogen and the plant, determining the
outcome of race-cultivar interaction (either
compatible or incompatible) and led him to
formulate the “gene-for-gene hypothesis”,
which explained in genetic terms the basis
of race-cultivar specificity (Flor, 1971).
In the early 60s, Klement and his associ-
ates discovered that phytopathogenic bac-
teria, like fungi, were able to induce a rap-
id plant cell death at the infection site, also
known as the plant hypersensitive response
(HR), which was associated with restriction of
pathogen proliferation (Klement and Good-
man, 1967). Against this background, several
parallel discoveries in the mid-1980s and the
decade that followed led to the unified con-
cept that bacterial virulence on plants relies
heavily on sophisticatedmolecular machines,
known as bacterial secretion systems or in-
jectisomes, which enable them to target host
defense systems at various levels. Key dis-
coveries included the cloning of phytobacte-
rial avirulence (
) genes (Staskawicz
et al.
1984), the discovery of gene clusters includ-
ing the
genes (phonetic “Harp”) (Panop-
et al.
, 1984; Panopoulos and Peet, 1985;
et al.
, 1986), and the identification of
virulence genes in animal pathogens (Isberg
and Falkow, 1985). These were later shown
to share homologies with
genes and to
mediate secretion of virulence-related pro-
teins lacking a canonical signal peptide (rev.
in Tampakaki
et al.
, 2010). The boost in molec-
ular functional genetics of bacteria that fol-
lowed confirmed this concept and revealed
the injectisomes’ organization and function.
The latter is to help pathogens transfer (in-
ject) directly into the plant cytosol proteins
that affect immunity and are known as effec-
tor proteins. Today, the products of pathogen
genes are collectively referred to as effec-
tors, since in the absence of cognate plant
immunity receptors they promote patho-
gen virulence by directly or indirectly inter-
fering with plant defense mechanisms (Ritter
and Dangl, 1996, Grant
et al.
, 2006; Jones and
Dangl, 2006; Guo
et al.
, 2009). These findings
helped explain the enigma why phytopatho-
gens carry avirulence genes (Dangl, 1994; Ga-
briel, 1999)
Plant immunity consists of different lay-
ers of defense, including a series of immune
responses that are triggered post-infection
by a variety of elicitors. One group of elicitors
that are conserved among different bacteri-
al pathogens includes the so-called patho-
gen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs),
which elicit PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI).
Another group includes effectors, which as
previously mentioned are often coded by
classical avirulence genes. Molecular recog-
nition of PAMPs by the host is mediated by
proteins that recognize molecular structures
conserved across a broad range of pathogen-
ic species and are known as pattern recogni-
tion receptors (PPRs). Recognition of effectors
on the other hand by the host is mediated by
resistance proteins that are plasma mem-
brane or intracellularly located.
It is now widely recognized that in their
interactions with eukaryotes, Gram-nega-
tive bacteria use a variety of molecular de-
vices, including extracellular appendages,
to deliver diverse proteins and other mole-
cules to the host cell interior (Charova
et al.
2012). With the rapid accumulation of bac-
terial genome sequences, our knowledge
of the complexity of bacterial protein secre-
tion systems has expanded and numerous
biochemical studies have revealed the ex-
istence of at least six major mechanisms of
protein secretion (Type I, II, III, IV, V and VI),
which are often highly conserved among the
Gram-negative bacteria species. This review
focuses on the type III and type VI protein se-
cretion systems (T3SS, T6SS) that mediate se-
cretion and/or translocation of bacterial vir-
ulence-related proteins inside the host cell
in a host contact dependent manner and
under specific
in vitro
conditions (Hayes
et al.
2010). Emphasis in this review is given on the
biotechnological applications that emerged
from the study of these systems, and range
from plant pathogen diagnostics to antibiot-
ic development. The review does not cover
the Agrobacterial type IV secretion system,
which has provided a basis for biotechnolog-