© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Toxicity of essential oils against
Tribolium confusum
genesis could be attributed to the action of
some of their monoterpnenes components.
Such potent action on pupal morphogene-
sis has been demonstrated after exposure of
T. confusum
pupae to some monoterpenes
(terpinen-4-ol, 1,8-cineole, linalool, R-(+)-li-
monene and geraniol) (Stamopoulos
et al
2007). Moreover, some citrus essential oils
(lemon, sweet orange and grape fruit) ap-
plied against the late third- and early fourth-
instar larvae of
(Skuse 1894), the so-called “Asian tiger
mosquito”, produced insect growth regula-
tor (IGR)-like properties (Giatropoulos
et al
2012). Such effects were also observed by
et al
. (1974) after incorporating various
terpenoids into the diet of
T. castaneum
T. confusum,
and by other authors working
with hydroprene (Bell and Edwards, 1999;
Arthur, 2003; Arthur and Dowdy, 2003)
Contrary to what observed for pupae,
the larvae that survived the toxicity tests
and were kept until pupation to examine
possible delayed mortality or morphologi-
cal deformations did not exhibit such abnor-
malities. It is known that some terpenoids
display activity similar to that exerted by the
Juvenile Hormone analogues, when larvae
of insects are subjected to their vapours for
a long time, performing extra moults and fi-
nally developing into either larval-pupal in-
termediates or normal pupae which pro-
duce both morphologically normal adults
and adultoids (Amos
et al
., 1974; Semple,
1992). Two likely explanations can be adopt-
ed here: either the toxicity tests’ limited ex-
posure time (48h) was insufficient for the
expression of the aforementioned phenom-
ena or, as Semple (1992) reports, ‘larvae of
most holometabolous insects such as Lepi-
doptera and Coleoptera are susceptible only
at the end of the last larval instar, while the
pupae are susceptible for several hours or at
most a few days after the last larval ecdysis’.
Although our findings are preliminary,
they could form a basis for further investiga-
tion of the questions raised in this work. In
particular, additional research is needed to
improve our understanding of how essential
oil vapours act during morphogenesis, giv-
en that the mechanisms underlying the ap-
pearance of adultoids and mutilated adults
have been, to the best of our knowledge, in-
adequately studied.
Overall, essential oils tested with the ex-
ception of
O. vulgare
essential oil were high-
ly toxic against larvae, pupae and adults of
T. confusum
indicating the potential of their
possible utilization as fumigants in protec-
tion of stored products in storehouses by
reducing the risks associated with the use
of synthetic insecticides. However, many
aspects of their release kinetics after ap-
plication and the effect of factors such as
temperature, relative humidity and stored
must be studied to
determine whether these substances can
be realistically applied as fumigants against
stored-product insects in practice.
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