© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
et al.
tions of the Plant Protection Institute of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences and of the
Laboratory of Agricultural Entomology &
Zoology of the Highest Technological Edu-
cational Institute of Kalamata.
Asterodiaspis ilicicola
is a species of Pal-
aearctic Region, recorded in Algeria, Croa-
tia, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Turkey
et al.,
2013; Pellizzari & Camporese,
1991; Pellizzari and Fontana, 1996). The host
plant species of
A. ilicola
coccifera, Q. ilex, Q. rotundifolia
Q. suber
et al.,
Gonaspidiotus minimus
was recorded for
the first time in Greece by Koroneos (1934)
as the synonym
Aspidiotus minimus
ardi) Cockerell, which was rarely found on
Q. ilex
in the regions Milies and Neokhorion
of Magnesia (Central Greece) and more of-
ten on
Q. coccifera
in Magnesia and Attica.
Later, Jansen
et al.
(2010) and Pellizzari
et al
(2011) recorded
G. minimus
Q. coccifera
Crete. This is a species of Palaearctic Region,
referred as scale insect pest of
(Arecaceae) and species of Fagaceae
Quercus coccifera, Q. ilex, Q. ilicis, Q. incana,
Q. ithaburensis
). It is recorded in
Algeria, Croatia, France, Greece, Israel, Italy,
Lebanon, Morocco, Spain and Turkey (Ben-
et al.,
Although the infestation level of
A. ilici-
Q. ilex
cannot be considered signif-
icant, it is wise to encourage the study of
the scale’s distribution in other areas of the
country. The reason is the possibility that this
scale may infest
Q. coccifera
, which is a very
important forest species for Greece. Similar
studies were made in the past on other for-
est species e.g.
Physokermes inopinatus
zig & Kozár (Hemiptera: Coccidae) (Hungari-
an spruce scale) found on
Abies cephalonica
Planococcus vovae
(Nasonov) found on
various Cupressus species in Greece (Milo-
et al.
, 2008; Stathas
et al.
, 2010). The scale
G. minimus
was found on
Q. ilex
in a high-
er population density than
A. ilicicola.
fact that
G. minimus
was recorded on a dif-
ferent host plant than the one found by Ko-
roneos, underlines the necessity to support
regular surveys on scale insects in order to
complete the missing parts of existing data
of Coccoidea fauna in Greece.
The authors would like to express their grati-
tude to Professor Giuseppina Pellizzari, Uni-
versity of Padova, for identification of Astero-
diaspis ilicicola and Dr Ferenc Kozár, Plant Pro-
tection Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sci-
ences, for identification of Gonaspidiotus min-
Literature cited
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New records of scale insects from Crete Island,
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Bulletin de la Société
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Hellenic Plant Protection Journal
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