© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Herbicidal effect of essential oils
ble. Further studies could provide more in-
formation concerning the concentration of
each oil applied in order to achieve high ef-
ficacy against weeds.
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Table 4.
Effect of
Satureja hortensis
Melissa officinalis
essential oil concentration on
Phalaris brachystachis
germination and root length (% of control)
Concentration (μl/ml)
Essential oil
S. hortensis
M. officinalis
S. hortensis
M. officinalis
root length
% of control
75 c
85 c
71 c
74 d
64 bc
52 b
53 bc
37 c
50 b
30 a
37 ab
19 b
28 a
21 a
24 a
8 a
Same letters within each column indicate no significant difference between means at P= 5%.
Table 3.
Effect of
Satureja hortensis
Melissa officinalis
essential oil concentration on
um rigidum
germination and root length (% of control).
Concentration (μl/ml)
Essential oil
S. hortensis
M. officinalis
S. hortensis
M. officinalis
root length
% of control
99 b
91 c
54 b
66 c
83 ab
78 b
38 a
43 b
74 a
64 ab
33 a
30 ab
70 a
57 a
28 a
25 a
Same letters within each column indicate no significant difference between means at P= 5%.
1,2,3,4,5,6 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,...43