Instructions to Authors
Hellenic Plant Protection Journal
(HPPJ) is a scientific publication of the Benaki Phytopatho-
logical Institute (BPI) which publishes scientific work on any aspect of plant protection in the
Mediterranean region. Only original articles which have not been published or submitted for
publication elsewhere are considered for publication in the journal. Upon publication all arti-
cles are copyrighted by the BPI and the HPPJ.
Types of papers accepted
Papers submitted for publication can be either in the form of a complete research article or in
the form of a sufficiently documented short communication. New records of diseases, pathogens,
pests and weeds can also be submitted in either form. Review articles in related topics, either sub-
mitted or invited by the Editorial Board, are also published, normally one article per issue.
Manuscript submission and review
Submit your manuscript to the Editorial Board in an electronic form by e-mail at the address ed-
or on a disk by post to the following address: Benaki Phytopathological Institute, 8
St. Delta str., GR-145 61, Kiphissia (Athens), Greece. Text including tables, footnotes, legends for
figures and references must be in one MS Word file in the format of doc or RTF. Figures must be
in separate files (not incorporated into the text) as explained under Figures.
The Editorial Board assigns the manuscript to an associate editor and two anonymous reviewers
who evaluate its content and presentation. It is the associate editor’s responsibility to forward
the review process and report to the Editorial Board who decides on acceptance or rejection of
the manuscript notifying the author(s). The review process is completed with the submission by
the author(s) of the revised manuscript to the Editorial Board.
Preparation of manuscripts
Authors are advised to refer to a recent issue of the journal, as a guide to the required text lay-
out, heading and table settings etc. Use single-line spacing on an A4 page (297x210 mm) size.
Page limits, page charges and reprints
Full-length research papers and review articles should not exceed 25 typewritten pages in-
cluding tables, figures and references. Short communications should not exceed 5 pages in to-
tal. There is no page charge for authors. Thirty (30) reprints of each paper are provided free of
charge to the first author and 15 to each of the other authors.
Arrangement of the text
Major sections of each full paper should be arranged in the following order: title, author(s)
name, summary, additional keywords, main text, acknowledgements, literature citations, a ti-
tle and a summary in Greek.
The title should be short and reflect at the best the content of the article.
Running head:
A short title of less than 65 characters including spaces should be typed in a sep-
arate line after the title.
Author(s) names and addresses:
Authors names should be listed under the title and the ad-
dresses of the place(s) where the work has been carried out, with the appropriate numbering,
should be provided in a footnote.