et al.
did not present intense fragmentation, as
it can be seen in Figure 2, and therefore
the molecular ion was the one used for
quantification purposes. These quantifica-
tion ions are presented in Table 1 in
In this Table, the retention time of each
analyte is also provided, as well as the col-
lision energy used for the fragmentation
of the precursor ions.
Quantification and confirmation of re-
sults by monitoring further reaction prod-
ucts of selected ions by tandem mass
spectrometry (MS/MS using triple quadro-
pole systems) offers a greater confind-
ence of results, compared to MS in a single
stage, according to principles on analyti-
cal chemistry by adding one more step in
the total analytical procedure.
As far as benzo [a] pyrene is concerned,
the analytical method was validated in the
fortification level of 0.05 μg/l, while the
maximum acceptable limit is 5 times low-
er. In our next research work, we are go-
ing to focus to this compound in order to
achieve a LOQ at the required maximum
acceptable limit.
The suitability of the present analyti-
cal method for the determination of PAHs
in ground water samples was proved from
the successful participation of our labora-
tory in the proficiency test “IMEP-23: the
eight WFD PAHs in water in presence of
humic acid”, organized by the Institute for
Reference Materials and Measurements
(IRMM) within the Scheme of Internation-
al Measurement Evaluation Programme
(IMEP). The test material of this interlabo-
ratory comparison was ground water.
The described method was further
used for the analysis of ground water sam-
ples from the regions of Volos (Magnesia)
and Rodos in Greece. A total of 15 samples
were analysed and no PAHs were detect-
ed in any sample.
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Received: 2 June 2008; Accepted: 18 July 2008