© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
et al.
fragments for the same compounds are the
following: 260, 270, 290 and 300 for aldrin,
123, 167, 224 and 332 for dichlofluanid, 162,
191, 208 and 252 for pendimethalin and 159,
163, 213 215, 248 and 250 for (162, 191, 208,
252), penconazole. If we compare the ions of
the compounds aldrin and dichlofluanid, the
m/z fragments of 123, 167 and 332 of dichlo-
fluanid are not produced by aldrin. Similarly
if we compare the compounds penconazole
and pendimethalin, the m/z fragments of
213, 215, 248 and 250 of the former are not
produced by the latter. Therefore, and ac-
cording to the principles of mass spectrom-
etry, even if these compounds are co-eluted
we can still identify and confirm which com-
pound is present.
There has been a high uncertainty in the
results of dichlorvos (RSD = 53.55% in to-
matoes and 27.05% in grapes) mostly at the
LFL, which most probably was due to some
losses of the analyte at the stage of evap-
oration, as dichlorvos has a very high va-
pour pressure. In order to estimate the rea-
sons of this uncertainty, we conducted the
following test: first, a standard solution of
dichlorvos at 0.84 mg/ml in 2,2,4-trimeth-
ylpentane/toluene (90/10) was prepared.
Then, a standard solution (A) of 60 ml ace-
tone, 60 ml of dichloromethane and 60 ml
of petroleum ether spiked with 1.6 ml of the
previous solution was prepared. An aliquot
of 25 ml of the solution (A) was transferred
into five 50 ml volumetric flasks and the so-
lution was evaporated to dryness on a wa-
ter stream bath at 65–70
C. Finally, 1 ml of
2,2,4-trimethyl pentane/toluene (90/10) was
added. The final solutions were transferred
into five vials with Teflon stoppers. In order
to evaluate the level of uncertainty during
the evaporation and injection stages, we
injected the five solutions five times in the
chromatographic system. Based on the re-
sults of this test, the uncertainty at the stage
of injection was significant (RSD = 12,9%)
but the uncertainty at the stage of evapo-
ration, as a result of dichlorvos high vapor
pressure, was about 5 times higher (RSD =
58%). Lehotay
et al.
(10) reported that di-
chlorvos may be lost during either the evap-
oration step or the sample processing step.
As our results showed, the loss of dichlorvos
was attributed to a large extent to the evap-
oration step.
The most polar analytes, acephate and
omethoate, gave low recovery values out
of the acceptable range (35.5% in tomatoes
and 50.8% in grapes for acephate and 46.2%
in tomatoes and 52% in grapes for ometh-
oate) but consistent (RSD <10%). Therefore,
these values are considered acceptable and
adjustment for recovery in the case of quan-
tification of these compounds is suggested
(3). Nevertheless, the method is still able to
serve as a semiquantitative method for the
detection and confirmation of the presence
of acephate and omethoate in samples.
In the case of metribuzin, the recovery
results at the ECD detector gave low recov-
eries (25-30%). In addition, the presence of
an unknown peak (R.T. = 11.1 min) for both
samples was observed. The area of the un-
known peak is significant smaller than that
of the peak that belongs to metribuzin (R.T.
= 10.2 min). After injection of a standard so-
lution of metribuzin in the mass spectrome-
ter, the ions of the unknown peak were the
same as that of metribuzin. Therefore, the
unknown peak may have been the result of
decomposition of metribuzin in its metab-
olites, mainly desamino-metribuzin. Figure
4(a) shows the chromatograph of metribuz-
Table 5.
Relative retention times (R.R.T.) of the compounds aldrin, dichlofluanid, pendime-
thalin and penconazole (relative to parathion ethyl) in four different columns.
1...,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35 37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,...59