© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
GC multiresidue method of multiclass pesticides
not easily made, especially because many
plant protection products have low vapour
pressure values. They are not always mea-
sured at ambient temperature, but can be
extrapolated from measurements at high-
er temperatures using the Clapeyron equa-
tion. Reported vapour pressure values often
exhibit wide discrepancies, up to tenfold
between different authors. In general, only
compounds with vapor pressures exceeding
about 10
torr can be analyzed by gas chro-
matograph (Figure 3) (1).
The objective of this study is to present
and validate a simple and rapid method for
the determination of the multiclass pesti-
cides (organophosphorus, organochlorine,
triazole, triazine, strobilurin, pyrethroid, di-
nitroaniline and nitrogen-containing pesti-
cides) with different physicochemical prop-
erties in fruits and vegetables of high water
content. One cropper group commoditywas
chosen (i.e. tomatoes and grapes). The sam-
ple preparation included liquid extraction
based on acetone and dichloromethane/
petroleum ether (50:50) (5) and the determi-
nation step was performed by gas chroma-
tography with electron capture (ECD) and
nitrogen phosphorus (NPD) detectors.
Materials and methods
1. Chemicals and Reagents
(a) Solvents
Acetone, 2,2,4-trimethylpentane and tol-
uene were used for the preparation of stock
and working standard solutions. Acetone,
Figure 2.
Distribution of the analytes studied according to their water solubility.
Figure 3.
Distribution of the analytes studied according to their vapour pressure.