© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
et al.
tection Agency “thiram is expected to be
sufficiently mobile and persistent in some
cases to reach surface waters in concentra-
tions high enough to impact aquatic life”
(20). Moreover, it may not be readily catab-
olised and it may persist in soil for several
A series of
in vivo
experiments have
shown that thiram may affect certain bio-
logical or biochemical aspects in aquatic
organisms namely cladocerans (31), fish (6,
42) and mussels (15). The aim of the present
project was to test for bioaccumulation and
effects of thiram, which is
in vivo
togenic for mammals (19) in the model ma-
rine mussel of the Mediterranean Sea
lus galloprovincialis
, in relation to tissue and
dose. Following positive results, mechanistic
aspects of this interaction have been sought
(oxidative DNA damage and early apoptotic
DNA damage). These pathways are implicat-
ed in thiram toxicity in mammals but they
have not yet been examined in bivalve spe-
Materials and Methods
Test animals
Commercially available
Mytilus gallopro-
from a mussel farm in Evia, Greece
were purchased. Mussels of similar size (8-9
cm) were kept in continuously aerated glass
aquaria of 15 L saltwater (salinity 33‰) at
ambient temperature of 25°C, under natu-
ral light. The mussels were fed with approxi-
mately 0.05 g powdered
every day. Nitrate and nitrite
levels were periodically checked (API phar-
maceuticals, USA) and they did not exceed
0.5 and 0.25 μg mL
respectively. The mus-
sels were acclimatized in laboratory condi-
tions for at least 5 days before the beginning
of the experiments. These species absorb
quickly contaminants from their environ-
ment but they depurate in an equally rapid
manner when found in clean water (2).
Fungicide and Solvents
A stock solution of 10 mg thiram/L was
prepared fresh in distilled water from com-
mercially available thiram 80% w/w and was
diluted to nominal concentrations of 0.1, 1.0
and 10.0 mg thiram/L in saltwater. Thiram an-
alytical standard was purchased from Fluka
(Buchs, Switzerland) and a stock solution of
100 μg mL
was prepared in methanol. The
working solutions were prepared from this
stock solution in methanol. Methanol and ac-
etonitrile were purchased fromMerck (Darm-
stadt, Germany) and were LC-MS grade. Eth-
yl acetate (pro analysi) was also purchased
from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).
Experimental set up
Healthy mussels from the aquaria were
exposed in 2 L glass beakers (Simax, Czech
Republic) at a density of 4 mussels/beaker
to final concentrations of the agrochemi-
cal stated in 2.2. The exposures lasted for
48 h after which the animals were sacrificed.
The water was changed every 12 h and was
spiked with thiram after each renewal. Dur-
ing the exposure the animals were not fed.
The general condition of the animals and
the mortalities were recorded daily.
Chemical analysis
Soxhlet Extraction
Lyophilized mussels (7 g) were placed
with equal amount of sodium sulfate at the
bottom of the Soxhlet apparatus covered
with glass wool. The solvent of choice was a
mixture of ethyl acetate/hexane (1:1 respec-
tively, 200 mL) and the extraction time was
4 h. After the extraction the solvent was re-
moved in vacuum and the mixture was re-
constituted with ethyl acetate (2 mL).
Removal of sulfur compounds and Solid
Phase Extraction (SPE)
The removal procedure was the follow-
ing: 1 g of activated copper was added to
the reconstituted mixture (2 mL) and stirred
vigorously for 2 min. Centrifugation (Her-
aeus Labofuge 400R Thermo Electron Cor-
poration) of the mixture was followed by
the separation of the organic phase. Then
the organic phase was passed from Flori-
1...,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,...46