© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
et al.
the low dose group.
Thiram, in the present experiments, has
caused a significant increase in oxidative
DNA damage as measured through Fpg in-
cubation, which quantifies mainly 8-oxo-dG
but also other damaged purines according
to Collins
et al.
(14). This increase was most
prominent in gill cells rather than in haemo-
cytes and in digestive gland cells. The meta-
bolic system of bivalves, even though mark-
edly different from the mammalian ones is
capable of producing oxidizing intermedi-
ates (28) which in their turn affect the cell’s
metabolism and components (46). For ex-
ample, in a similar way to the present re-
sults, the common aquatic pollutant BaP
which necessitates metabolic activation
to redox quinones to exert its toxic action,
caused formation of 8-oxo-dG in
Mytilus gal-
digestive gland (2, 29).
An oxidative mode of action is not un-
usual for thiram as it has been shown in oth-
er animal models. Any imbalance between
prooxidant substances and antioxidant de-
fenses in favor of the prooxidants causes ox-
idative stress associated with damage to cel-
lular macromolecules (40). Thiram has acted
as a potent oxidative agent in the liver of
broilers fed with this fungicide. The activi-
ties of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide
dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxi-
dase (GSH-Px) were decreased and this low-
ering of antioxidant defenses has led to lip-
id peroxidation in the liver of broilers (27).
Thiram has also caused deregulation in ac-
tivities of key antioxidant enzymes (cata-
lase, GSH-Px, SOD, glutathione reductase)
in an
in vitro
model of V79 Chinese hamster
ovary cells (22). These results may be part-
ly explained by glutathione (GSH) depletion
caused by thiram (13, 23). GSH offers one of
the most efficient non-enzymatic protective
mechanisms by its conjugation with elec-
trophilic and/or oxidised components. Thi-
ram however possesses a reactive disulfide
bond which may react with thiols of critical
cellular proteins such as GSH forming mixed
disulfides and other products (23), thus ren-
dering them inactive. Furthermore, the GSH
redox cycle offers the reducing equivalents
for thiram reduction in the cell, minimiz-
ing in this way the regeneration of reduced
GSH. In more detail, it is postulated that di-
thiocarbamates undergo oxidation by Cu
ions within the cell to their corresponding
thiuram disulfides. These intermediates are
then reduced by GSH, regenerating the par-
ent compound and oxidized glutathione
(11). GSH aberrant metabolism due to thi-
ram was further corroborated in studies in
V79 CHC which showed a decrease in total
GSH/oxidised GSH ratio (22). Therefore, the
pro-oxidant effects of thiram are considered
to be indirect and mainly due to the lower-
ing of antioxidant defenses.
Finally, a series of important experiments
in aquatic organisms showed that thiram ox-
idative effects are not peculiar to terrestrial
organisms. Namely, incubation of
rhynchus mykiss
liver with thiram led to loss
or decrease of activity of SOD and GSH-Px
respectively (6). Exposure of the mussel
to thiram has also caused decrease
of activity of selenium-dependent glutathi-
one peroxidase and glutathione reductase
as well as decrease in reduced and oxidised
GSH in both gills and digestive gland (15).
Regarding testing for apoptosis, apop-
totic cells give a characteristic image of large
fan-like tail and small head (ghost cells) in
the conventional comet assay. However
due to their extensive fragmentation, they
may become lost during the electropho-
resis step (32). In contrast, omission of the
electrophoresis step but retention of alka-
line unwinding in the alkaline halo assay de-
picts successfully the unique morphology of
apoptotic cells which present a difuse, spot-
ted halo and a pin-like head clearly delin-
eated from the halo (39). The assay has here
revealed a significant increase in apoptotic
cells in gills and digestive glands but no in-
crease in haemolymph when mussels were
exposed to 1.00 mg/L thiram (approximate-
ly 4 μM) for 48 h. In related bibliography, tri-
closan (3 nM) caused more extensive dam-
age (approximately 16%) after 48 h exposure
Dreissena polymorpha
haemolymph (45).
This difference cannot be readily explained,
however it may be linked to the apoptotic
1...,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46