© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Phytobacterial type III secretion systems in the era of biotechnology
cially among distant plant families, some of
which are highlighted in Table 1. This might
reveal new potential in genetic engineering
towards phytoprotection, as exploitation of
a certain effector function in a specific crop
could lead to priming of defense respons-
es upon challenge with a pathogen. More-
over, the genomics era for plant pathogens,
which began with the sequencing of
genome in year 2000 (Simpson
, 2000) and the new comparative analysis
of genomes (Hamilton
et al.
, 2011), which al-
lows for identification of conserved and di-
vergent features, thus leading to species,
pathovar and isolate-specific genes, sup-
ports diagnostics research towards new
molecular kits based on such targets, where
genes and T3SS effectors might be
in the centerfold.
With regard to applications, it is per-
haps significant that various uses of bacte-
rial effectors have been the subject of sev-
eral patents, to enable possible applications
in a number of areas, including plant disease
and pest control. In addition, new frontier
areas are likely to emerge from the develop-
ments in high-throughput DNA sequencing
(next-generation sequencing technologies).
Very high-throughput DNA sequencing
platforms are commercially available at af-
fordable costs and new more cost effective
techniques are under development. Rapid
genome-wide characterization and targeted
capture of genomic subsets and polymor-
phisms from many phytopathogen strains
at a time, and public access to genome, tran-
scriptome and metagenome data will likely
reshape many areas of “phytopathogenics”
and will enable applications in disease di-
agnosis, epidemiology, effectoromics and
comparative pathogenomics and the de-
velopment of resistance strategies in the fu-
ture. Characteristic of this trend are two re-
cent publications (Baltrus
et al.,
2012; Bart
2012), which concern the sequencing of
new 14 and 65 phytobacterial genomes, re-
Research on antibacterial compounds
for phytoprotection could follow the mam-
malian research initiatives. Specificity of
T3SS virulence inhibitors could render field
application feasible, in contrast to conven-
tional antibiotics. However, development of
such molecules would face drawbacks sim-
ilar to those of the mammalian pathogens:
post-infection usage, broad range activi-
ty, targeting of infected tissue and non-tar-
get organism safety issues. In addition, the
lack of an adaptive immune system would
render T3SS therapeutics more complicat-
ed and disqualify methods such as usage of
secreted effectors as vaccines and T3SS mu-
tants as live vaccines, which are under inves-
tigation for mammalian bacterial pathogens
(see Coburn
et al.
, 2007).
Mention of commercial product
or manufacturer does not imply endorse-
ment by the authors
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