© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Dithiocarbamates and inorganic bromide residues in plant products
the calibration curve at 9 concentration lev-
els (0.05-0.1-0.2-0.5-1-2-5-10 and 20μg/L).
Bromide ion residues were also quantified
by calibration curve using 5 solutions equiv-
alent to 5, 25, 50, 100 and 150μg Br.
Thiram was used for the fortification
of the blank samples during the validation
of dithiocarbamates, as it is the only com-
pound of the group that can be diluted in
organic solvents.
Preparation of fortified samples
Control samples were prepared from or-
ganically produced apples, leek, potatoes,
strawberries, wheat, tomatoes, lettuce and
rice and analysed in order to certify that
no interfering peaks with the analytes ap-
peared in chromatograms. Aliquots of each
product blank sample were fortified at two
or three levels as presented in tables 1 and
2, ranging from 0.1 to 1mg/kg for the lowest
level and 1 to 50mg/kg for the correspond-
ing highest. The highest level of fortification
was that of the MRL set for dithiocarbam-
ates or bromide ion by the European Union;
while the limit of determination was set as
the lowest validated level. The validation
procedures were in accordance to the SAN-
CO Document10684/2009.
Sample preparation
The extraction procedures for the deter-
mination of inorganic bromide and CS
described below. As far as
inorganic bro-
is concerned, 5g portion of homoge-
nated sample (or 1g for dry products) was
weighted into a 100mL Erlenmeyer flask and
3 (or 8mL respectively) of water were added.
5mL of propylene oxide solution and 1mL of
sulphuric acid were added for the derivati-
zation of inorganic bromide to 1-bromopro-
panol-2 and 2-bromopropanol-1. The flask
was closed and shacked briefly and the mix-
ture stand at room temperature for 60 min.
50mL ethyl acetate and 4g of ammonium
sulphate were added to the suspension and
the flask was shaken by hand first vigorous-
ly for 1 min and then occasionally for 20 min.
Τhe upper organic phase was decanted and
dried through anhydrous sodium sulphate,
1 mL of the organic extract was transferred
to an autosampler vial and 100μL of inter-
nal standard solution (10μg/mL) was added.
The calibration solutions followed the com-
plete method procedure (derivatization,
partitioning etc.)
As fοr the
, their resi-
dues are typically located superficially. Thus,
sample comminuting (e.g. cutting, milling,
grinding) is only to be performed where this
is necessary to obtain acceptable sub-sam-
plingvariability, which is alsoa functionof the
analytical portion size. The bigger the por-
tion, the smaller the sub-sampling variability
becomes. In most cases opposite segments
of each unit are cut out. A defined portion
of 50g was taken for analysis into a cleavage
vessel and 25mL isooctane was added. Then
150mL of the hydrolysis reagent tin (II)-chlo-
ride in hydrochloric acid was added and the
vessel was immediately closed with a screw-
cap with septum. The samples were put into
a shaking water bath for 2 hours at 80
C. The
reaction mixture was cooled down and 1mL
of the isooctane-phase was pipetted into a
GC vial for analysis.
Gas- chromatographic analysis
Determination of carbon disulfide was
performed by the use of a Shimadzu GC-
2010 chromatographic system with a split-
less injector and a DB-5 column (5%- phenyl-
methylpolysiloxane, 50m, 0.32mm i.d. and
1μm film thickness) connected to a flame
photometric detector (FPD) with sulphur fil-
ter. The oven temperature programme start-
ed from 45
C (1 min), increased to 250
C at a
rate of 20
C/min, and held there for 5min.
The injection volume was set to 1μL.
Determination of inorganic bromide
was based to a 6890N Agilent gas chromato-
graphic system with an electron capture de-
tector (ECD), a splitless injector and a DB-Wax
52 CB column (chemically bonded polyethyl-
ene glycol, 30m, 0.25mm i.d. and 0.25μm film
thickness). The oven temperature programme
started from 50
C (1 min), increased to 150
at a rate of 2.5
C/min, increased to 200
C at
a rate of 10
C/min and held there for 10min.
The injection volume was also set to 1μL.