© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Dithiocarbamates and inorganic bromide residues in plant products
4.6 to 18.5% for inorganic bromide, meeting
the requirement of RSDs ≤20% [5]. These re-
sults are acceptable and indicate good accu-
racy and precision for both methods.
Validation was performed at two or
three fortification levels (Tables 1 and 2), at
five replicates each. The highest level was
selected to be at the maximum residue lim-
it (MRL) as set by EU Regulation 396/2005
for each product (Tables 1 and 2). Limit of
quantitation (LOQ), is defined from a regu-
latory perspective as the lowest concentra-
tion tested at which an unambiguous identi-
fication of the analyte can be proven and at
which an acceptable mean recovery with an
acceptable relative standard deviation (RSD)
is obtained [5, 11].
Concerning CS
, calibration lines were
constructed from data acquired after in-
jecting calibration standards in isooctane
Figure 2.
Determination of inorganic bromide in rice. Chromatograms of rice samples blank and fortified with 50mg/kg of
bromide. The quantification is based on the ratio from the sum of the area of the two derivatives (1-bromopropanol-2 and
2-bromopropanol-1) and the internal standard (3-bromo-1-propanol).