© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Biodegradation of diazinon by epiphytic yeasts
trient medium prevents the assimilation or
the metabolism of another substance from
the cells of the yeast until the depletion of
the levels of glucose. In the case of
Rh. rubra
the addition of glucose in the nutrient medi-
um as an extra source of carbon did not af-
fect its ability to degrade diazinon. Biodeg-
radation was observed from the beginning
of the trials in both media (Figure 2) and in
particular the medium supplemented with
glucose gave higher biodegradation rates,
1.67 μg/mL/day and 2.5 μg/mL/day com-
paring to 1.25 μg/mL/day and 2.08 μg/mL/
day on the medium without glucose for 10
μg/mL and 25 μg/mL diazinon, respectively.
By the end of the experiment diazinon was
fully degraded in both media. This has also
been reported by Cycon
et al.
(2009) during
the degradation of diazinon by the bacteria
Serratia liquefaciens
Serratia marcescens
and by Sethunathan and
MacRae (1969), who reported that
sp., isolated from soil of rice fields, de-
grade diazinon only under the presence of
Figure 2.
Biodegradation of 10 and 25 μg/mL diazinon by the yeasts
Rhodotorula glutinis
Rhodotorula rubra
in miner-
al salts nutrient medium with and without glucose. Each value is the mean of three replicates with error bars representing
the standard deviation of the mean.