© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Abstracts - 16th Hellenic Phytopathological Congress
During the growing season 2010-11, a field
experiment was established with two du-
rum wheat cultivars (Agapi and Elpida) aim-
ing to investigate the effect of pyraclostrob-
in on both physiology and disease control
in wheat. Experimental design included sin-
gle applications of pyraclostrobin at two dif-
ferent vegetative stages, double application
of pyraclostrobin at both stages, and a tri-
ple application, to investigate the effect on
head blight. Disease severity mea-
surements showed that pyraclostrobin ap-
plication significantly reduced powdery mil-
dew and
Septoria tritici
blotch severity in
both cultivars. The frequency of
infected kernels was relatively high, without
significant differences being detected be-
tween treatments. Chlorophyll content was
highest in the treatment of a single appli-
cation of pyraclostrobin at the stage BBCH
39, exceeding by 8.69% the respective val-
ue of the controls. Treatments did not show
any differentiation with regard to SLA. Com-
pared to controls, all treatments had high-
er ΔΤ (ΔΤ: T
) values. All treatments
outyielded controls (2180 kg/ha) by 8% to
56.2%. Protein content and vitreousness
were higher in the treatments with single
pyraclostrobin applications either at BBCH
30 or BBCH 39. In conclusion, the present
preliminary work indicates possible phys-
iological effects of pyraclostrobin on du-
rum wheat, which also reflected on yield
and quality. Most effective was the BC treat-
ment (double spraying at BBCH 30 and 39)
but even C treatment (spraying at BBCH 39)
could provide an acceptable effectiveness
regarding yield and quality traits.