et al.
PAHs (11). Volkers and Pouwels, on the oth-
er hand, have presented a method for de-
termination of PAHs in water samples by
high performance liquid chromatography
with a fluorescence detector (HPLC/FLD)
after an optimization of the solid phase
extraction procedures (12).
The European Union has established
parametric values (maximum acceptable
limits) only for 5 of the PAHs, according
to the directive 98/83/EC. For benzo [a]
pyrene this value is 0.01 μg/l, while for the
sum of benzo [b] fluoranthene, benzo [k]
fluoranthene, benzo [g,h,i] perylene and
indeno [1,2,3-cd] pyrene the respective
parametric value is 0.1 μg/l.
The aim of this study was to develop
and validate a robust method for the de-
termination of 8 PAHs (naphthalene, flu-
oranthene, anthracene, benzo [b] fluo-
ranthene, benzo [a] pyrene, benzo [k]
fluoranthene, benzo [g,h,i] perylene and
indeno [1,2,3-cd] pyrene) in water sam-
ples with GC/MS/MS, using 2 transitions
for each compound. It has to be men-
tioned that fluoranthene functions as an
indicator of the existence of PAHs in water
(3). The method has been used to moni-
tor presence of PAHs in ground and sur-
face water samples.
Materials and Methods
1. Chemicals and reagents
Analytical standards of benzo [b] flu-
oranthene (99%), benzo [k] fluoranthene
(98%), benzo [g,h,i] perylene (99,4%) and
indeno [1,2,3-cd] pyrene (99,5%) were pur-
chased from ChemService (West Chester,
UK). Naphthalene (99,5%), fluoranthene
(99%), benzo [a] pyrene (98,5%) and anthra-
cene (99,5%) were obtained from Dr Ehren-
stofer (Augsburg, Germany). Ethyl acetate,
methanol and acetone were of pesticide
residues grade and water of HPLC grade, all
obtained from Lab Scan (Dublin, Ireland).
2. Standard Solutions
Analytical standard stock solutions of
each compound at 1000 μg/l were made
in acetone and working standard solutions
were obtained at various concentrations
by dilution of the stock solution in eth-
yl acetate. All these solutions were stored
at -20
C. Three standard spiking solutions
containing all the compounds at the con-
centration of 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2 μg/ml were
used for the fortification purposes.
3. Sample procedure
The extraction procedure applied was
as previously described by Miliadis
et al.
(10) for the determination of pesticide res-
idues in water. Sample preparation was
performed by solid phase extraction with
pre-packed reversed-phase octadecyl
(C-18) bonded silica contained in cartridg-
es. Isolute cartridges (International Sor-
bent Technology), containing 500 mg of
packing material were conditioned prior
to loading the sample, by passing succes-
sively 1ml/100 mg sorbent (5 ml) ethyl ac-
etate, 5 ml methanol and 10 ml of organ-
ic free water, with a glass syringe. Volumes
of 500 ml of water sample were cleaned
by removal of any floating or insoluble
material and were passed through the
cartridge. A SPE large volume sampler was
connected to a vacuum source equipped
with a gauge and a balast valve to adjust
the vacuum, for the extraction of the sam-
ples in order to obtain a sampling rate of
15 ml water/ml. Teflon tubes were insert-
ed to the sample containers and adapt-
ers to the cartridges connected the other
ends. In this way, up to eight water sam-
ples could pass through cartridges simul-
taneously. After passing the sample, suc-
tion continued for 30 min to dry out the
packing material. The cartridges were dis-
connected and the adsorbed compounds
were eluted with ethyl acetate into 1 mL
volumetric flasks. The extract was then in-
jected to the GC/MS/MS system.