© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Effect of superphosphate on glyphosate adsorption in soil
analytical grade CaCO
from Acros Organics
(Belgium) and acidification of the H3 soil by
using a 2 N solution of sulfuric acid (Merck,
pro-analysis, 95-97%). After thorough mix-
ing, 100 g samples of the treated soils were
placed in the above plastic cups, watered to
field capacity and left to equilibrate for 4-7
days in the growth chamber.
All the treated soil samples along with
the respective controls were dried in the
oven (40
C) for 4 hours and sieved through
a 2-mm sieve before used for batch equili-
bration tests to determine glyphosate and
AMPA adsorption.
Measurement of glyphosate and AMPA
The capacity of the various soil samples
to adsorb glyphosate and AMPA was deter-
mined by conducting batch equilibration
tests using aqueous glyphosate and AMPA
solutions of various concentrations. The
tests were performed by placing 1 or 1.5 g of
the soil sample and 10 ml of the glyphosate
+ AMPA solution in 25-ml glass test tubes.
The tubes were kept in an orbital shaker for
2 hours to equilibrate (12), then centrifuged
at 5000 rpm for 10 min and the superna-
tants collected and analysed. The amount of
glyphosate and AMPA adsorbed by the soil
was calculated by substracting the amount
found in the supernatant from that in the
initial solution.
The glyphosate and AMPA solutions
used in these studies were prepared using
analytical reference standards (Monsanto,
certified as 99.8 and 99.5% respectively). An
aqueous stock solution containing 500 μg/
ml of each, of the two compounds, was pre-
pared in HPLC-grade water and working so-
lutions of various concentrations were pre-
pared by diluting with de-ionized water.
Glyphosate and AMPA were quantita-
tively determined using cation exchange
HPLC and fluorescence detection following
post-column derivatization with hypochlo-
ride and o-phthalaldehyde (OPA), which is
an improved version of the US EPA method
547 (10, 14.). The instrumentation was as de-
scribed before (5). Each sample solution was
first diluted with de-ionized water as need-
ed and filtered through a 0.22 μm dispos-
able syringe filter with a PTFE membrane,
into a 2 ml amber borosilicate glass vial and
then directly injected into the HPLC system
at 20-50 μl.
All tests were set in a completely ran-
domized design with the treatments repli-
cated three times. The combined data from
each test were subjected to ANOVA and in
most cases to an LSD comparison of the
treatment means. Most of the conducted
tests were repeated three times and the re-
sults obtained from a typical run of each test
are presented here.
Results and Discussion
Addition of superphosphate fertilizer to
the soil increased the amount of glyphosate
adsorbed by the soils KA1 and H1 but did
not affect glyphosate adsorption by the
soils K2 and H3 (Table 2). The increased gly-
phosate adsorption by the soils KA1 and H1
was evident one week after the addition of
superphosphate and lasted for at least one
month. In further experiments with short-
er time intervals after the addition of su-
perphosphate, it was realized that the gly-
phosate adsorption started to increase as
soon as two days after its addition (data not
The addition of superphosphate also
caused a decrease in the pH of all four soils
(Table 2), although to a varying extent de-
pending on the soil. This pH-decreasing ef-
fect of the superphosphate seems to be ac-
companied by an increase of glyphosate
adsorption only in the two soils (KA1 and H1)
in which the pH was lowered to a value be-
low about 7.0.
The increased glyphosate adsorption,
after the addition of superphosphate, by the
soils KA1 and H1 but not by the soils K2 and
H3, was further confirmed by comparing the
adsorption isotherms obtained with three
glyphosate concentrations and soils amend-
ed or not with superphosphate (Figure 1).
The applied rate of superphosphate fer-
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