© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
LC-MS/MS multiresidue method in peaches
ical classes in order to be representative.
The extraction procedure with acetone, fol-
lowed by dichloromethane and petroleum
ether, is easy and the determination per-
formed with liquid chromatography-elec-
trospray ionization-tandem mass spectrom-
etry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) at positive ionization
mode, is a sensitive technique which pro-
vides confirmation of identity. The main ad-
vantage of using a LC-MS/MS system is its
great chromatographic separation efficien-
cy, which enables analysis to be performed
in short chromatographic run. The method
was successfully validated at the 10 μg/kg,
which was the LOQ objective in this work
for 45 compounds and at the 0.05 mg/kg for
nine compounds. The method is simple, fast
and suitable for routine analysis for the de-
termination of pesticides in fruit and veg-
etables of high water content meeting the
EU guidelines method performance crite-
ria. Based on the good validation data re-
sulting from this study, the suitability of the
extraction and determination method on
other pesticides of various chemical classes
and other matrices of fruit and vegetables
of high water content will be further inves-
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