© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Abstracts - 16th Hellenic Phytopathological Congress
Biological properties of Xemium, the new SDHI from BASF
G. S
and K. K
BASF SE, Agricultural Center, Limburgerhof, Germany
Despite of their long history of use, succi-
nate dehydrogenase inhibitors (SDHI) form
one of the most interesting classes of agri-
cultural fungicides with a fascinating line
of innovations. Being introduced in the late
60s of the last century, SDH inhibitors are
among the longest studied group of agricul-
tural fungicides. While the first generation
of SDHI fungicides have a narrow spectrum
of disease control against basidiomycetes,
and are mainly used in seed treatment ap-
plications (e.g. carboxin), the disease and
crop spectrum has broadened and the in-
trinsic efficacy levels have increased signif-
icantly with the new generations of SDHIs
(e.g. boscalid). Xemium, the latest SDHI mol-
ecule from BASF is a broad-spectrum fungi-
cide that controls a wide range of economi-
cally important diseases from the classes of
basidiomycetes, ascomycetes and deutero-
mycetes in specialty crops including vegeta-
bles, stone fruits, and pome and other fruits,
berries and grapes and also in arable crops
such as cereals, oilseed rape, potatoes and
others. After foliar application, the molecule
is systemically (acropetally) distributedwith-
in the crop and continuously released from
depots on the leaf. Xemium provides excel-
lent preventive, curative and long lasting ef-
ficacy and contributes strongly to green leaf
tissue and high yield. With the investigation
of SDHI resistance, a complex picture is form-
ing. Several mutations in the target protein
at different positions, conferring resistance
to SDH inhibitors were detected. Differenc-
es in the impact of such mutations on the
efficacy level of single SDHI molecules has
lead to sophisticated scientific and techni-
cal discussions. The high value of this group
of fungicides for farmers worldwide and the
complexity of SDHI resistance in agricultur-
al pathogens call for efforts to maintain effi-
cacy of SDHIs. Monitoring assays based on
genetic analysis have been developed to
improve the sensitivity of monitoring of a
number of pathogens targeted by SDHIs.
Dynali 60/30 DC, the combination of difenoconazole with cyflufenamid
creates a new benchmarking product for the management of powdery
mildew on vineyards
F. M
, S. P
, N. M
, and E. L
Development Lead Specialty Crops & Potato Fungicides, Development Centre
North-East, Syngenta Agro GmbH.
Technical & Development Support Manager,
Syngenta Hellas AEBE.
Campaign Manager Specialty Crops, Syngenta Hellas AEBE.
Registration Supervisor, Regulatory Affairs, Stewardship & Technical support,
Syngenta Hellas AEBE
Dynali 60/30 DC is a dispersible concen-
trate (DC) containing 60 grams per litre (g/L)
difenoconazole and 30 grams per litre (g/L)
cyflufenamid for use on grapes. Difenocon-
azole is a translaminar (weakly xylem-mo-
bile) triazole fungicide with long-lasting
preventative and curative broad-spectrum-
control, including leaf spot diseases, pow-
dery mildews, rusts and scab of annual and
perennial crops. It is active against plant
pathogens belonging to the
. Cyflufe-
namid belongs to a novel and a chemically
unique class of fungicides, the amidoximes).
Although the biological mode of action of
cyflufenamid against pathogens is still un-