© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
sp. near
P. ficus
in Greece
merase. PCR was performed with a thermo-
cycler (Primus 25, PeqLab) with the following
amplification conditions: initial denaturation
phase at 97°C for 4 min, 35 cycles of denatur-
ation at 96°C for 25 s, annealing at 48°C for
25 s and extension at 68°C for 90 s were fol-
lowed by a final extension step at 68°C for
10 min. PCR products were purified using the
QIAquickTM 108 Kit (QiaGen) and directly se-
quenced with both primers described above
on an ABI 3770 capillary sequencer (Applied
Biosystems), in order to exclude cases of
base misincorporation due to PCR error (20)
and visualised using CHROMAS LITE (37).
The 818 bp long sequences were aligned
by eye and were put into the GenBank (36).
There, the similar sequences were deter-
mined using the Basic Local Allignment
Search Tool (BLAST) by nucleotide. In ad-
dition, twelve nucleotide sequences of
species already submit-
ted to GenBank were used in the construc-
tion of a phylogenetic tree. Specifically,
agyrus pseudococci
(DQ667743, DQ667745,
DQ667744, DQ667746, DQ667747)
(DQ667737, DQ667738,
Anagyrus dactylopii
(DQ667736) se-
quences were used. A Neighbor-Joining (NJ)
approach (25) was applied to construct a
tree from the pairwise distances that were
estimated using the substitution model
of Tamura and Nei (29) as implemented in
MEGA version 3.1 (21).
The primary culture of the mealybug
was established in the insectary of the
Biological Control of Pesticides Laboratory
at Benaki Phytopathological Institute from
individuals which were collected in an in-
fested vineyard at the region of Helia-Pelo-
ponnese. Taxonomic identification of the
species was done according to Cox and Ben-
Dov (6) key (P. Milonas and F. Karamaouna,
personal communication). The culture was
maintained on sprouted potatoes of the va-
riety ‘Marfona’ in sandwich boxes (17x11x5
cm: Length x Width x Height) with net cov-
ered openings (d= 1.5 cm) for ventilation.
The boxes were kept in a Gallenkamp CΟ
growth chamber at 26
C and constant dark.
All biological stages of the mealybug were
present in the culture.
The parasitoid colony was reared on
sprouted potatoes from the
P. ficus
culture in plexiglass cages [50x40x40 cm
with two net covered ventilation openings
(30x20 cm)] in the insectary at 28 ± 1
C and
L16:D8 h. In order to schedule parasitoid
emergence for the experiment, parasitoids
of both sexes from the colony were released
in sandwich boxes (5-10 individuals/box)
and were let to parasitise mealybugs on the
infested potatoes every week.
Individuals of the pest were transferred
from the mass culture on leaf sections (cen-
tral part) of
Nerium oleander
which is a host plant of the mealybug (Sca-
lenet database), a few hours before the exper-
iment. The leaf sections were kept with their
lower surface upwards on top of a layer of 8 g/l
Agar, which had previously been autoclaved,
in Petri-dishes of 9 cm diameter. Size classes of
the host were used rather than host stages but
they were selected so that each size class com-
prised mostly one stage according to sampled
sizes ofmealybugsmeasured aftermoults. The
size classeswere 0.5-0.9mm(2
instar nymph),
instar nymph), 1.6-2.3mm(young
female adult), >2.3 mm (preovipositing female
adult) [Classification by Karamaouna and Cop-
land (21)]. Only female mealybugs were used
in the experiments apart from the two small
size classes where males and females could
not be distinguished. Five mealybugs of each
size class (20 in total) were placed randomly
in each Petri dish.
Every 1-3 days, females of
were collected fromthe sandwich
boxes of the mass parasitoid culture, in which
both female and male wasps were present.
These 1-3 days old females were assumed
to have mated and were used in the experi-
ments. During the experiments, wasps were
released individually in the Petri-dishes for 24
hours. At the end of the experiment, the ovi-
positing female wasps were measured (head-
width) and dissected to confirm that they had
been inseminated (17). The Petri-dishes were