© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
-menthane type compounds against mosquito
phytochemical analysis are in agreement
with literature data (13, 17).
Essential oils are a mixture of different
ingredients, mostly terpenes, which in the
spp. essential oils includ-
ed pulegone, piperitone, isomenthone, car-
vone, menthone and menthol and they are
comparable to findings in the literature (8,
Besides menthone, the rest isolated in-
gredients were evaluated for the first time
Cx. pipiens
larvae. Among them,
pulegone demonstrated the strongest larv-
icidal activity. The activity of all essential
oils is in agreement with the proportion/
toxicity rate of their individual major com-
ponents, apart from the case of EOpip. The
EOpip consists of menthone and menthol
(in a total of 65%) and their LC
values are
higher than 100 mgl
, so it was expected to
have the same toxicity pattern with the ma-
ternal essential oil. According to our experi-
mental and literature data (10) EOpip did not
follow this pattern and found to be one of
the two most drastic essential oils (LC
ue near 40mgl
). Two suggestions could be
made: either the rest of the ingredients pos-
sess independently strong larvicidal abili-
ty or some kind of synergistic phenomenon
took place. These results are in accordance
with those reported by Amer and Mehlhorn
(2) where peppermint had moderate larvi-
cidal activity against mosquito larvae (near
53% mortality after 24 h treatment).
Some interesting
conclusions can be
drawn concerning the relationship be-
tween the structure of the isolated
thane compounds and their larvicidal ef-
fect against
Cx. pipiens
. Although, pulegone
and piperitone are isomers, the first is 5-fold
more active than the later. This differentia-
tion probably stands on account of the loca-
tion of the C-C double bond that these two
molecules contain. We assume that in pule-
gone the C-C double bond position on the
chain group (isopropylidene
versus i
group) enhances the toxicity. This hypothesis
is strengthened by the case of piperitenone,
where toxicity ranges between pulegone
and piperitone. Piperitenone is structurally
similar to both aforementioned molecules.
Particularly, it combines all of the former
molecules characteristics to one structure
as it bares two double bonds, where the first
one is internal at the cyclohexane ring (re-
sembling to piperitone) and the second one
external (resembling to pulegone). There-
fore, two arguments can be made: either
piperitenone’s internal double bond reduc-
es the total toxicity or its external double
bond increases the toxicity. In any case, tox-
icity seems to be in direct connection to car-
bon-carbon double bond’s position.
The effectiveness order of the above
mentioned molecules, compared to men-
thone (saturated cetone), is the following:
pulegone> piperitenone > menthone > pip-
eritone. This ranking indicates that unsatu-
ration might be a key factor but not nec-
essarily the most determinant; it should be
taken into account in combination with the
position factor. Our results concerning car-
vone (a molecule isomer to piperitenone)
also support this hypothesis: carvone is less
effective than piperitenone while both of
them are showing reduced toxicity com-
pared to pulegone. This activity differen-
tiation probably results from the different
location of C-C double bond (isopropenyl
group) as well as to its endo-exocyclic di-
enone character. By inference, it seems that
in the case of the tested monoterpene ce-
tones, the presence of the isopropylidene
group increases the strength of larvicity,
comparing to isopropenyl and/or isopropyl
group effectiveness.
Finally, the use of the two enantiomers,
isomenthone and menthone, revealed that
the latter was more toxic, indicating that
enantioselectivity may play also an impor-
tant role for the toxicity of essential oils. This
role of enantioselectivity has already been
reported in previous projects and is a well-
known fact: naphthoquinones (14), linalool
(15) and limonene (16).
Essential oils have often proved to be
more effective than their ingredients, in-
dicating synergistic phenomena (9). Plants
usually produce essential oils as a mixture
of many ingredients with strong interac-
tions among them. Results from this study