© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Glass and Machera
thorization of the product) which has the re-
sponsibility of carrying out risk assessments
for the examined PPPs which contain Annex
I listed active substances. With the informa-
tion from the hazard assessment for the ac-
tive substance(s), as concluded during the
Annex I inclusion, the regulatory authori-
ty for each individual MS decides wheth-
er the PPP can be used safely under nation-
al conditions. With decisions now made on
a European basis for the selection of active
substances for inclusion in the Annex I, it is
important that data and information used
in the initial risk assessment (such as expo-
sure models) are valid for all MS, and not just
for those that have generated the most in-
There are various tasks involved which
result in occupational exposure to pesti-
cides, but the greatest exposures are often
associated with the operator, during both
the handling of the concentrated pesticide
when mixing and loading, and the appli-
cation of the diluted pesticide in the field.
Studies to measure operator exposure have
been carried out since the 1960’s using a
range of methodologies to determine po-
tential dermal and inhalation exposure.
More recent studies have measured dermal
exposure and the absorbed dose, and data
is now available from a wide range of stud-
ies using different application techniques.
The estimation or measurement of operator
exposure is a key element of occupational
health and a requirement of the risk assess-
ment in pesticide registration (van Hemmen
and Brouwer, 1997), which is carried out ac-
cording to the directive 91/414/EEC.
Three predictive models are used for
regulatory purposes within the EU: the UK
model (Martin, 1990); the German model
et al.
, 1992) and the Dutch mod-
el (van Hemmen, 1992). These models con-
tain experimental data obtained from par-
ticular use scenarios and were incorporated
into the European Predictive Operator Ex-
posure Model (EUROPOEM) Expert Group
under concerted Action AIR3-CT93-1370.
The EUROPOEM is a database for reference
rather than an actual tool for regulators, and
tends to be used in conjunction with exist-
ing models developed in the UK and Germa-
ny. Data have been added since EUROPOEM
was set up, with field assessments carried
out, especially in southern Europe (Machera
et al.
, 2001; Glass
et al.
, 2002) as part of the
project SMT4-CT96-2048. In North Ameri-
ca, a Pesticides Handlers Exposure Database
(PHED) provides generic mixer/loader/appli-
cator exposure data (Krieger, 1995). Work is
being done to combine PHED and EUROPO-
EM datasets in a new North American mod-
el, the Applicator and Handlers Exposure
Database (AHED).
The modelling of operator exposure still
relies on a number of assumptions related
to the personal protective equipment (PPE)
worn by operators, the protection factor of-
fered by coveralls for example. The degree
of dermal absorption of the compound is a
substantial information for reliable human
risk assessment. This information is usually
derived from
in vivo
animal data and
in vit-
human and animal skin data. When there
are no available data for a substance, default
values of dermal absorption are used.
The methods used to measure operator
exposure, and the subsequent use of these
data together with toxicology data in risk as-
sessments are discussed.
Routes of operator exposure
The most important route for exposure
to pesticides is dermal for the majority of
application techniques. The other routes
are inhalation, particularly with fogging and
misting application techniques, and by acci-
dental ingestion (oral), for example by eat-
ing or smoking while working, or not wash-
ing adequately after work.
Potential dermal exposure is the total
amount of pesticide landing on the body,
including amounts landing on clothing. The
mass of pesticide available on the skin for
absorption into the body is the actual der-
mal exposure, which is the amount depos-
ited directly on the skin plus any that pene-
trates clothing.
Inhalation exposure, generally contrib-
utes much less to the absorbed dose than