© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Glass and Machera
PPE contamination would be a factor to be
taken into account when selecting appro-
priate PPE to be worn for a particular pes-
ticide application task. Therefore, imperme-
able coveralls (e.g. CE marked Type 3 or Type
4 garments) should be worn for certain tasks
involving hand held application techniques.
However, in reality the climatic conditions in
Southern Europe make the wearing of such
PPE difficult. Therefore the types of cover-
alls worn by pesticide applicators tends to
be constructed of permeable material such
as cotton or cotton/polyester mixtures.
Working patterns in different regions of EU
In using models or evaluating data from
operator exposure studies the working pat-
terns typical for the region where the pes-
ticide is to be used need to be considered.
For mechanised applications such as tractor
mounted or trailed boom sprayers the oper-
ator can be expected to work longer hours
than a manual application, and treat much
larger areas. Table 1 shows the default val-
ues of the three models.
As the common acceptance directive is
developed, there is likely to be greater ten-
dency for pesticides to be approved for use
over more than one country, which provides
another uncertainty factor into the risk as-
sessment. For example, in the studies pub-
lished by Glass
et al.
(2002), the working pat-
terns in southern Spain were very different
from those in Greece or Portugal, in terms
of the length of the working day, types of
application equipment used and the pro-
tective clothing worn.
Derivation of the AOEL and Risk Assess
The AOEL is “the maximum amount of
the active substance to which the operator
may be exposed without any adverse health
effects”, as defined in Annex VI to Directive
91/414/EEC. In this definition, “operators”
are represented by mixer/loaders, applica-
tors and re-entry workers, but the term may
be extended to include non-occupational
exposed groups (bystanders). The AOEL is
based on the highest level at which No Ad-
verse Effect (NOAEL) is observed in tests of
the most sensitive relevant animal species.
To translate the NOAEL values into an AOEL,
assessment factors accounting for uncer-
tainties in extrapolation from toxicity data
to the exposed human population are ap-
plied. Often, the AOEL values relate to the
internal (absorbed) dose available for sys-
temic distribution from any route of absorp-
tion and expressed as internal levels (mg/kg
body weight/day) (AOEL systemic). Thus, de-
pending on the route specific NOAEL (oral,
dermal, inhalation), the degree of oral/der-
mal/inhalation absorption should be con-
sidered in the correction of the AOEL and
the estimation of AOEL systemic.
Following the setting of the systemic
AOEL, a comparison to the estimated dose
of exposure is performed. The systemic dose
of exposure is the sum of the exposure from
the dermal route, corrected for the degree
of dermal absorption and the exposure from
the inhalation route considering 100% ab-
sorption of the inhaled amount. The exam-
ined PPP is considered to be safe for the op-
erator for the specific application scenario,
when the systemic dose of exposure is low-
er than the systemic AOEL.
There is a number of factors to consider
when using predictive operator exposure
Table 1.
Standard daily work rates for agriculture used for the models (Kangas & Sihvonen
Application method
Tractor, downward application 50 ha
10 ha
20 ha
Tractor, upward application
30 ha
6 ha
8 ha
Hand-held equipment
1 ha (or 400 L spray dilution)
1 ha
1 ha