© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Pesticide exposure risks
models. Extrapolations often have to be
made using data from the most suitable or
similar scenario for crop or application tech-
nique. In selecting an indicative value for po-
tential dermal exposure the variability of the
data in the database supporting the model
needs to be considered. The UK model uses
the 75th percentile values, whereas the Ger-
man model uses the geometric mean val-
ues. Having determined the potential op-
erator exposure, a number of assumptions
are then made with respect to transfer fac-
tors of the pesticide from the outside of PPE
to the skin of the operator and the rate of
subsequent dermal absorption of the active
substance estimated to have reached the
skin of the operator.
Performance of protective clothing
The protection factor offered by vari-
ous types of PPE tends to be related to the
performance of new garments in standard
laboratory tests such as EN 463 and EN 468.
These two tests are for whole garments of
chemical protective clothing and those
passing the test are CE marked as Type 3 (EN
463) or Type 4 (EN 468) garments. Type 4
garments offer more protection than Type 3
garments. Recently Type 6 garments (prEN
13034) became available, which offer limit-
ed protection against penetration by liq-
uid contamination. However in many cases,
such as with the orchards or greenhous-
es of southern Europe, working conditions
for pesticide operators are such that spe-
cific chemical protective clothing is rare-
ly used. Where protective clothing is worn
it tends to be workwear such as polyester
cotton coveralls, for which there are no test
methods to determine penetration by aque-
ous liquids. Field and laboratory tests car-
ried out within the framework of the proj-
ect SMT4-CT96-2048 have shown that the
rate of coverall contamination is a key fac-
tor in determining the protection factor of-
fered by various types of coveralls (Moreira
et al.
, 1999).
Another factor which should be further
evaluated is the age or condition of PPE. Dis-
posable coveralls have a limited life, and the
coating on the material begins to be dam-
aged and removed by contact with the crop
for example, or simply through the move-
ment of the applicator creasing the materi-
al. Washable coveralls such as the polyester
coveralls become more absorbent and less
repellent after repeated washings, as the
coating of the material is removed.
Rates of dermal absorption
Most models assume that 10% of the ac-
tive substance which reaches the skin is ab-
sorbed into the body. In practice the pro-
portion of the active substance which is
absorbed by the body is influenced by many
factors. These range from factors such as the
physicochemical properties of the active
substance (partition coefficient in octanol/
water and molecular weight), concentration
of the active substance on the skin and the
area of skin exposed, to the relative humid-
ity and temperature of the air. In order to
improve model estimates of exposure, com-
pound specific data are required for dermal
absorption for likely ambient conditions in
which the product would be used. The type
of formulation can affect the rate of der-
mal absorption, such as the presence of li-
pophilic organic solvents such as xylene in
emulsifiable concentrate formulations. The
size of the molecule of the active substance
also affects the rate of dermal absorption.
Biomarkers of exposure and effect
Biomonitoring studies to measure pesti-
cides and metabolites in urine samples give
an indication of the exposure levels and the
absorbed dose, assuming pharmacokinet-
ic data are available. Biomarkers of expo-
sure can also measure the interactions be-
tween a pesticide and target molecules or
cells, including detection of biologically ef-
fective doses (Lowry
et al.
, 1995; Decaprio
, 1997; Lopez
et al.
, 2007).
Biomarkers of effect can identify alter-
ations of an organism that could indicate a
potential for health impairment or disease.
Therefore biomarkers can be used to de-
tect the early effects of pesticides before
adverse clinical health effects occur. Tech-