© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Glass and Machera
and other confounding factors on rates of
metabolism. Urine samples, taken over a pe-
riod of at least 24 hours, tend to be used for
biomonitoring studies.
Examples of data for operator exposure
The hand held application technique
is generally considered to represent the
worst-case scenario for applicator exposure,
due to the proximity of the nozzle to the
operator. In the EU-funded project SMT4-
CT96-2048, data for hand held application
techniques were generated in a number of
southern European countries (see Figure 1).
These studies provided data for the devel-
oping EUROPOEM database, which till then
had few datasets for hand held applications,
and those available concerned outdoor ap-
plication in northern Europe.
In considering operator exposure to pes-
ticides, studies should be done to allow ex-
posure during the tasks of mixing/loading
to be determined separately from the ex-
posure during the application. The handling
of the concentrated pesticide during mix-
ing and loading generally results in greater
levels of exposure than the application pro-
cess. However this depends on the type of
containers or transfer mechanism used for
mixing and loading, as the size of the con-
tainer and the number of containers to be
handled is critical and varies greatly. In case
large greenhouses are to be treated, the
mixing and loading procedure of pesticides
is often done by workers not involved with
the application itself.
The data presented in Figure 1, concern-
ing a hand held, upward application tech-
nique, show potential dermal exposure as
ml/hour separately for the hands and the
body. The potential dermal exposure of
the hands was measured by placing cot-
ton gloves on the volunteer operators, so it
is a measure of the pesticide landing on the
hands, and not necessarily what would be
retained by hands or impermeable gloves.
These data are consistent with published
data for potential dermal exposure for the
hand held, upward application technique.
The majority of the data for potential dermal
exposure excluding hands are between 60
and 120 ml/hour. The data are variable, with
coefficient of variation of 122% for the hands
and 139% for the rest of the body. Data in
the German model (Lundehn
et al.
, 1992) for
an equivalent application technique have a
coefficient of variation of 149%.
Several studies have been carried out
in Greece concerning indoor and outdoor
hand held application of pesticides yield-
ing data for potential dermal exposure ex-
pressed in ml spray solution/hour (Machera
et al.
, 2001; Machera
et al
., 2002; Machera
2003). Recent studies have provided the
exposure levels in mg/kg a.i as expressed in
the German Model. Two of them involved
outdoor application in olives and vines in-
dicating a potential dermal exposure be-
tween 61-317 mg/kg a.i. with the respective
value calculated by the German model be-
ing 189 mg/kg a.i. The other two of them in-
volved greenhouse trials, hand held applica-
tion techniques with either spray guns or 4
nozzle lances fed by hoses at 25 bar pump-
ing pressure. In the first greenhouse study
with 11 operators using spray guns and two
types of protective coveralls the potential
dermal exposure ranged from 8.4 to 664.1
mg/kg a.i. applied, with a mean of 179.3 and
a coefficient of variation of 112%. The low-
est value was obtained with an application
where the operator walked backwards away
from the spray cloud. In the same study the
data indicate that the potential dermal ex-
posure measured (mg/kg a.i., 50% percen-
tile) was 5-6 times the value estimated by
Figure 1.
Data for potential dermal exposure of hands and
body (ml/hour).