© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Glass and Machera
niques that measure DNA damage with e.g.
the COMET assay provide a powerful tool for
measuring effects of exposure, although not
specific, being a response to oxidative stress
et al.
, 2006; Muniz
et al
., 2008). Studies
on the cytogenetic effects of pesticide ex-
posure report increases in the frequency of
chromosomal aberrations and/or sister chro-
matid exchanges (Ergene
et al.
, 2007). Bio-
markers of effect have been developed for
detecting early stage effects of neurotox-
ic pesticides picking up delayed neuropa-
thy and neurobehavioural effects of chronic
pesticide exposure (Salvi
et al.
, 2003; Batter-
et al.
, 2004).
Genetic variation with the human pop-
ulation makes it difficult to be certain about
the dose-response relationship. There has
been a great deal of interest in the role of
P450 enzyme gene polymorphisms, and the
role played by metabolic pathways of tox-
ic compounds such as pesticides (Buratti
, 2007; Wang
et al.
, 2008). Ultimately bio-
markers of effect could be used to predict
and therefore possibly prevent detrimental
health effects and disease associated with
pesticide exposure.
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