© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Pesticide exposure risks
the German Model (Machera
et al.,
Data from the second greenhouse study
conducted with a handheld lance indicate
that potential dermal exposure measured
(75% percentile) was 12-13 times the value
estimated using the German Model (Mach-
era & Tsakirakis, pers. comm.).
Interpretation of data
Use of predictive models
Within the EUmost regulators use the UK
POEM or the German model. The UK model
is based mainly on local unpublished stud-
ies conducted mainly by industry and the
Government laboratories such as the Central
Science Laboratory. The predicted exposure
is expressed in mass or volume of the formu-
lation or the spray liquid per unit time (mg/h
or ml/h). Surrogate exposure levels are cho-
sen to be the 75th percentile values. An esti-
mated value for potential dermal and inha-
lation exposure is given based on the input
parameters, from which actual dermal ex-
posure is estimated, to give a final figure for
the systemically absorbed dose based on
default values for clothing penetration/per-
meation and dermal absorption. This value
is compared to the systemic Acceptable Op-
erator Exposure Level (AOEL) value for a par-
ticular compound.
In the UK model exposure during mixing
and loading is assumed to be confined to
the hands with respiratory exposure not tak-
en into account. The dermal exposure esti-
mation is based on the number of pesticide
containers or packs (operations) which the
worker has to deal with during one working
day. The estimation of operator exposure is
therefore based on the amount of active in-
gredient handled during mixing and load-
ing together with the exposure during the
application itself which is time rather than
mass dependant. The concentration of the
spray liquid but not the treated area is in-
cluded for the calculation of the exposure
during application.
The German model is based on the
amount of the pesticide handled during
one working day, and exposure level is ex-
pressed as units of mass per amount of a.i.
handled (mg/kg a.i.). The potential expo-
sure is calculated, including potential re-
spiratory exposure, for both mixing and
loading and application. Again the actual
exposure is calculated as the mass of pes-
ticide on the workers skin area after pene-
tration through clothing. The actual dermal
and inhalation exposure is then compared
with the AOEL value.
There is also a Dutch model which is a
literature-based model using international-
ly published studies. The units for exposure
values are similar to the UK model (ml/h or
mg/h), but the dermal exposure during mix-
ing and loading is not limited to the hands.
The potential exposure is calculated as for
other models; however the estimation of
the actual exposure is left to expert judge-
ment, and is often close to the potential ex-
posure (Kangas and Sihvonen 1996).
In the Dutchmodel, the estimation of the
operator exposure for outdoor applications
is based on the working time, the concen-
tration of the formulation and the concen-
tration of the spray liquid. This is supported
by an additional model for mixing and load-
ing based on field studies carried out in the
Netherlands. The exposure is dependent
on the amount of pesticide handled and is
expressed in mass units per amount of ac-
tive ingredient handled (mg/kg a.i.) as in the
German model.
A number of assumptions are made,
which often differ, in the different models,
such as the wearing of clothing, both the
workers own clothing and PPE, and the pen-
etration and permeation of PPE which is
worn. The rates of uptake from the skin also
vary as do the statistical parameters on sur-
rogate values used such as the geometric
mean used in the German model, the 75th
percentile in the UK POEM and the 90th per-
centile in the Dutch model.
The rate of coverall contamination is
one of the factors that determine the pro-
tective factor of the PPE worn during pesti-
cide application, representing the challenge
to the PPE. In an ideal scenario, the rate of
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