© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Laboratory of Pesticides Toxicology, Benaki Phy-
topathological Institute, 8 St. Delta str., GR-145 61 Ki-
fissia (Athens), Greece
Corresponding author:
Hellenic Plant Protection Journal
9-16, 2010
Determination of operator exposure levels to pesticides
during greenhouse applications with new type multi-nozzle
equipment and the use of two different protective coverall
A.N. Tsakirakis
, K.M. Kasiotis
, P. Anastasiadou
and K. Machera
In the present study, the operator exposure levels during fungicide applications in green-
house-grown pepper with a novel application tool were determined. For the monitoring of dermal ex-
posure, the whole body dosimetry method was applied. The inhalation exposure was measured by
means of personal air pump. Ten applications were carried out with Novi-F (4 nozzles) in Tympaki, Her-
aklion Prefecture, Crete, Greece and the application duration ranged from 39-77 min. A fully validat-
ed GC-ECD analytical method was applied for the determination of iprodione in/on the used personal
protection equipment and quality control samples. The recovery ranged between 79 and 98% and the
corresponding RSDs were <4.2%. Dermal exposure, both potential (PDE) and actual (ADE), was meas-
ured with two different types of outer coveralls (Hydrofoil® and Cotton) as dosimeters. From the re-
sults of the present work it is worth mentioning that the ADE, which reflects the actual dermal expo-
sure when Hydrofoil® coverall was used,
is drastically reduced compared to the respective values for
the cotton coveralls. However, operator exposure levels using Novi-F are much higher than the respec-
tive levels determined with conventional spray gun application.
Additional Keywords:
greenhouse, operator exposure, pesticides, protective coveralls
native to the traditional application equip-
ment. The Novi-F tool is a T-shaped spray
gun device having four nozzles (i.e. two pairs
placed at each end) and allowing the opera-
tor to hold it horizontally underarm with the
two nozzle pairs oriented towards the crop
at the height of the operator’s shoulder and
waist, respectively. This new type of equip-
ment was pilot-tested as an alternative to
the conventional spray guns used normally
by the operators in the greenhouses of the
Tympaki region (Heraklion Prefecture, Crete,
Greece), as it was introduced in the market
as more convenient and less time consum-
ing than the traditional knapsack sprayers or
the hand-held spray guns.
In a previous greenhouse study, the per-
formance of two different protective cover-
all types was tested, compared and evaluat-
ed. The performance evaluation was related
to penetration resistance properties and the
overall degree of provided protection for
the operator (2, 4). In the present study, the
Assessment of operator exposure during
field applications of plant protection prod-
ucts is one of the most critical aspects for
the operator safety (3, 6 ,7). Greenhouse ap-
plications are considered to be high expo-
sure scenarios for the operators. In Greece,
greenhouse applications are usually car-
ried out with hand-held application tech-
niques that involve either knapsack sprayers
or spray guns connected via a hose to the
pump and a spray tank. Operator exposure
trials have been performed in the past ad-
dressing the two aforementioned appli-
cation techniques and different personal
protection equipment (PPE) types (2, 5). In
the present study, a novel application tool,
called Novi-F, has been studied as an alter-
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,...34