© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Operator exposure levels and evaluation of different coverall performance
idence for reducing the operator exposure
levels during application of plant protection
Moreover, in the present study, the com-
parison of the PDE and ADE values for the
A1-A5 and B1-B5 operator groups can be
used as a measure of PPE performance in
terms of coverall penetration, which can be
expressed as:
% penetration = 100 x ADE /PDE
From the aforementioned exposure
data, the average penetration for Type A
coverall is 0.79%, while for Type B coverall is
2.76% showing that the average Type B cov-
erall penetration is 3.5 times higher than the
respective one of Type A. It is noteworthy
that this difference in coverall performance
is in accordance with the results of previous
work addressing spray gun greenhouse ap-
plications, where Type B coverall was found
to be 3.5 times more permeable than Type
A. This difference in coverall performance
becomes evident under relatively high ex-
posure conditions, while no significant dif-
ferences are observed in low exposure sce-
narios (8). However, both coverall types
provided satisfactory protection under the
conditions of the specific trials.
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Received: 3 December 2009; Accepted: 27 January 2010