© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
et al
OMW dumping in the environment is an act
of pollution of drinking water, and a threat
to aquatic organisms and plants (1, 3, 24).
The determination of OMW toxicity to
aquatic organisms is of major importance
for characterizing its ecotoxicological prop-
erties mainly associated with the high poly-
phenol content. Recently, several methods
have been developed for the treatment of
OMW aiming at the recovery of high added
value-contained polyphenols and the po-
tential reduction of the environmental im-
In previous studies, the fungi
spp. (i.e.
P. chrys-
) and
Pleurotus ostreatus
had been
used for biological treatment of OMW to
achieve a reduction in the polyphenol con-
tent and decolorization (2, 12, 21). The ef-
fect of fungal treatments on OMW toxicity
has been studied on the aquatic organisms
sp. and
Daphnia magna
(2, 12). Oth-
er approaches to the treatment of OMW in-
clude the use of microorganisms, such as
sp. and
aiming at reducing its or-
ganic potential (Chemical Oxygen Demand,
COD), the use of centrifugation–ultrafiltra-
tion techniques in order to remove the solid
and organic content (22), the use of sodium
polyacrylate polymers (6) or the application
of electrophysical methods for the reduc-
tion of the toxicity potential of OMW (9).
More recently, a pilot scale system for
the treatment of OMW has been developed
in the frames of the EU LIFE-Environment
programme MINOS (1) aiming at the isola-
tion of high added value-contained poly-
phenols and the minimization of environ-
mental problems.
In the present study, the acute toxicity of
OMW, produced in a three-phase olive mill
in Rouva municipality in the island of Crete,
Greece, was determined on Wistar rats and
two marine species, the photobacterium
brio fischeri
(Microtox® assay) and the crus-
Artemia fransiscana
. These marine or-
ganisms have beenwidely used as indicators
for the toxicity evaluation of environmen-
tal pollutants or other chemical substanc-
es (17, 18, 19, 23). Therefore, in the present
study the above mentioned organisms have
been used taking into account that the olive
mill wastes are a source of pollution for the
marine environment. The acute toxicity on
the aquatic organisms was also determined
for both the treated OMW [as described by
et al.
, 2007 (1)] and the isolated poly-
phenol mixtures in comparison with the tox-
icity of the untreated OMW.
Materials and methods
Treatment of OMW
Olive mill wastewater produced in a
three-phase olive mill was treated using
a recently developed method (1). In brief,
fresh OMW (pH=5.15-5.23) was filtrated
through two different filters for gradual re-
moval of the wastewater suspended solids
of 50 μm in size. Then, filtrate was succes-
sively passed through a series of columns
packed with XAD-4 and XAD-7HP adsorbent
resins (1
cycle extract, pH=5.18). The sec-
ond step was repeated twice (2
cycle ex-
tract, pH=4.80) for the achievement of maxi-
mal deodorization and decolorization of the
wastewater and sufficient removal of the
The samples used in the toxicity assays
were the following: untreated OMW, treat-
ed OMW after one cycle of treatment, treat-
ed OMW after two cycles of treatment, poly-
phenolic mixture recovered from OMW
passed through column XAD-4 and poly-
phenolic mixture produced by OMW passed
through column XAD-7HP. The recovered
polyphenolic fractions from columns XAD-
4 and XAD-7HP were 5.8 and 3 g/l of treated
OMW, respectively.
Bioassays for the determination of OMW
The toxicity tests were performed on
Wistar rats and two aquatic organisms, the
bioluminescent bacterium
V. fischeri (NRRL
and the crustacean
A. fransiscana
The Wistar rats were obtained from the
breeding colony of the Benaki Phytopatho-