© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Operator exposure levels and evaluation of different coverall performance
specificity and limits of detection and quan-
tification. The limit of quantification (LOQ)
for the method corresponded to the lowest
fortification level giving acceptable recovery
(70-120%). Thus the LOQ was 10 μg for the
outer dosimeters and caps, 1 μg for inner do-
simeters and cotton gloves, 50 μg for nitrile
gloves and 0.1 μg for XAD tubes. The meth-
od LODs was 1/3 of the respective LOQs.
The fortification rates included five repli-
cates at LOQ and five replicates at 10xLOQ
levels for each dosimeter type, respective-
ly. The obtained results met the method val-
idation criteria. The accuracy assessment
was based on the recovery values obtained
from matrices fortified with certified analyt-
ical standards of known purity. These recov-
ery values ranged between 79 and 98% and
the corresponding RSDs were <4.2%. The
above data fulfilled the generally accepted
requirements for residue analytical meth-
Table 2.
Chromatography parameters.
Gas Chromatograph Agilent 6890N
Auto sampler
Gerstel MPS2-twister
Split/Splitless injector
(splitless mode)
HP-5 MS Agilent
(PN 19091S-433),
length 30m, ID 0.25mm,
film thick. 0.25 μm
70°C, 1 min isothermal
280°C, 35°C/min, 2
min isothermal
Carrier gas: Helium 1.7 ml/min
Make up gas: Nitrogen 25 ml/min
Retention Times (Rt)
Pendimethaline 7.038 min
Iprodione 7.688 min
Table 3.
Operator exposure results to active substance (a.s.) of iprodione (mg a.s./kg a.s. ap-
Exposure (mg a.s. /kg a.s. applied)
Protective Coverall Type A (Hydrofoil®) Protective Coverall Type B (Cotton)
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
Inner shirt
1.62 17.29 8.83 3.30 2.01 52.87 19.76 14.86 97.28 13.77
Inner pants
5.93 2.90 2.37 1.41 0.52 5.22 2.01 15.44 1.59 65.66
Actual Dermal Exposure (ADE)
(Inner coverall)
7.56 20.19 11.20 4.71 2.53 58.09 21.77 30.30 98.86 79.43
Outer jacket
622 983 168 153 126 526 1112 635 957 514
Outer pants
1961 1278 309 83 115 1974 871 896 1301 1368
Outer coverall
2582 2261 477 236 241 2499 1983 1532 2258 1883
Potential Dermal Exposure (PDE)
(Inner + Outer coverall)
2590 2281 489 240 243 2557 2005 1562 2357 1962
Inner gloves
0.230 2.883 0.808 0.378 0.433 0.196 0.349 0.373 3.803 0.873
Outer gloves
38.764 24.034 16.105 9.555 8.294 3.906 9.332 13.830 5.839 5.844
Head exposure
103.2 212.8 19.4 36.7 20.5 4.26 21.38 12.11 10.58 1.68
PDE + Head + Hand exposure 2732 2521 525 287 273 2566 2036 1588 2377 1971
Inhalation exposure
2.90 2.75 0.75 0.89 0.58 0.90 0.76 0.55 0.48 0.68
The values given for the head exposure derive from the residues (ml spray solution/h) found on operator’s cap
multiplied by a factor of 2.
The values given for inhalation exposure derive from the residues found on operator’s air sampler tube multiplied
by a factor of 29/2 (given that the human inhalation rate is 29 l/min, the air sampler’s pump flow rate was 2 l/min
and the net duration of the operator’s pump working was the same with the net duration of the application).