© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
et al.
ing the bag 50 times.
Quality control samples were prepared
with fortification of matrices on each appli-
cation day. Thus, three samples of different
types of dosimeters (outer, inner fabric, in-
ner and outer gloves, caps and XAD-2 tubes)
were fortified at two fortification rates. The
fortification solution was taken directly from
the nozzle of the tank in the field. The field
fortified samples were exposed to the envi-
ronmental conditions for the duration time
of the application. During this period the
XAD-2 tubes were left attached to air pumps
operating at an airflow rate of 2.0 l/min. Ad-
ditionally, field blank samples for each do-
simeter type were treated as the fortified
For the accurate determination of the
actual spray solution concentration, three
volumetric flasks of 10 ml each were forti-
fied in the field concurrently with the dosim-
eter fortification. The flask fortification vol-
ume was 1 ml taken from the spray solution
used for the application.
Analytical Part
A fully validated, in-house analytical
method was applied for the determination
of iprodione in the different types of dosim-
eters and in quality control samples. For the
analysis of all field and quality control sam-
ples used in the study, the principal steps of
themethod included sample extractionwith
-hexane, extract concentration, filtration
and Gas Chromatography determination us-
ing Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD) and
pendimethalin as internal standard.
-hexane solvent, P-R grade, was pur-
chased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).
Iprodione (99.3 % pure) and pendimethalin
(98.4% pure) analytical standards were pur-
chased from Sigma-Aldrich (Steinheim, Ger-
many). The commercial iprodione SC formu-
lation (Rovral 50 SC, 500 g a.s. iprodione/l)
was purchased from Basf Agro Hellas (Sin-
dos, Greece). For the filtration of extracts,
PTFE (polytetrafluoroethene) 0.45 μm sy-
ringe filters (Acrodisc, p/n 4219T, PALL Dreie-
ich, Germany) were used. Stock solutions of
iprodione analytical standard (1000 μg/ml)
were prepared in P-R grade
-hexane and
stored at -18°C. Working solutions of the an-
alytical standard (100, 10 and 1 μg/ml) were
prepared by further dilution of stock solu-
tion in
-hexane and stored at -18°C.
Iprodione residues were extracted from
the different types of dosimeters with
hexane in high density polyethylene con-
tainers on an overhead shaker for 45 min at
200 rpm. The extraction volumes used were
3.5 l for outer garment parts, 1.5 l for inner
garment parts and 600 ml for caps and for
inner gloves. The extraction of nitrile gloves
was performed in the field using 400 ml
hexane, as described above. The extraction
of the XAD-2 tubes (extraction volume 10
ml) was carried out in 30 ml screw cap vials
after disassembling of the tube and trans-
ferring the absorbent layer material to the
extraction vial, and placed on the overhead
shaker for 45 min. The actual concentra-
tion of iprodione in the field spray solution
(FST) was determined from the field forti-
fied flasks after solvent (water) evaporation
to dryness and re-dissolving of the dry resi-
due in
Depending on the initially measured ip-
rodione concentration in the analyzed sam-
ple extracts, the extract was either concen-
trated in a rotary evaporator or diluted with
hexane to obtain a concentration into the
range of the calibration curve (0.1-0.9 μg/
ml). The internal standard pendimethalin
was added at 0.04 μg/ml to the final solu-
tion, which was filtered prior to GC injection
(injection volume 1 μl).
Gas Chromatography
The chromatographic determination
was performed with an Agilent GC 6890N
instrument (Thermo-Finnigan Italia, Roda-
no, Italy), equipped with a split/splitless in-
jector (splitless mode), with an ECD and au-
tosampler (Gerstel MPS2-Twister) 2000).
Chromatography parameters are presented
in Table 2.
Analytical Method Validation
The analytical method validation includ-
ed study of linearity, accuracy, precision,
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